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Can I rejoin?


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Yes you can rejoin, but like i have told everyone else...


Just not this mission.


I have no peobelm with you joining the next game.



I can see now that we are going to have close to 20 people in the next round. I think we need another gm or 2 games at once.



hmmmm 2 games at once.... That gives me an idea.....

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Did I not explain how to create a character well enough? :( Sorry if I didn't I was packed with making characters at the time.

I can help you now though :)

BTW Eets, do you have the Core book?

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Originally posted by Clefo

Kvan suggested that I change it.. So i did.. BTW When i get home I'm gonna ask you for character help Kvan so a forewarning

Cool! I just picked up the Alien Anthology and want to try it out! What alien are you thinking on being?

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I looked through the anthology in the store, looks pretty useful. If only I'd had that when making my Ubese character.


Color pictures of every alien in the book!


I bought the Rebellion Era Sourcebook about a week ago, just because it looked like an interesting read. Very much worth the money, I've GOT to get my hands on the other sourcebooks now;)


Picked up SW Gamer #5 too. I was impressed with #6 but #5 is even better so far. Maybe that's just because it has a villian theme to it....


I've enjoyed those two issues so much I've decided to subscribe to it....

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I just finished reading the Alien Athology completely...it was really! I wish it was in hardcover format though, I can see my copy already getting damaged a little :(

BTW Nilaar, the Ubese are shown without there mask on in the AA :)

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