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Where can I find and host mods and images?


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Mod Hosting:


Deadly Stream - An online community of gamers dedicated to all aspects of Star Wars Gaming. Home of the TSLRCM, along with a large variety of mods for all things Star Wars. Deadly Stream is the essential mod upload site in the KotOR and TSL modding community. With the ability to quickly upload large mods and screenshots, it's the go-to place for all of your mod publishing needs.



Nexus KotOR and TSL - A popular mod upload site that spans over many genres and games. Quick and easy self-upload process that allows users to host mods and screenshots.



NOTE: before submitting a mod to a site read the Terms of use/ Mod submission guidelines specific to the site to which you are submitting your mods.





Download Mods:



Taris Upper City Emporium - Our very own mod release sub-forum, most mods will have a thread submitted in the Taris Upper City Emporium. Look here for a wide variety of mods.



Deadly Stream - Deadly Stream is the premiere Knights of the Old Republic and The Sith Lords mod hosting site. With hundreds of mods uploaded, Deadly Stream is the go-to place to quickly find the mods you are looking for. Each features a description, screenshots, and a support topic.



Nexus Mods - The Nexus has small but growing KotOR and TSL sections, well worth checking out. Easily one of the most heavily-visited KotOR and TSL mod sites, don't miss the mods over at Nexus.



Gamefront - Kotor and TSL - what remains of the old KotORFiles mod repository. An expansive collection that no longer has screenshots or descriptions, but is still worth a look.



Mod Link Request Thread - If you're looking for a mod with a long-dead link, this is the place to come. Several members have large collections of mods, and are willing to help you find what you're looking for.





Image hosting:



Photobucket - Excellent image hosting website, and very consistent. 2 gigabytes of storage for free, easy bulk uploading, minimal advertisements. A personal favorite of mine, I've used this over the years and had no problem whatsoever.



ImageShack - Another excellent image hosting website, advertising unlimited space, unlimited uploads, and the security of cloud storage.



You can also upload screenshots (1024x768 max dimensions) to your member profile album here on Lucasforums.





Want to set up your own free website?


NOTE:If you have your own site, we strongly encourage you to submit you mods to one of the above sites (Deadly Stream and Nexus) as well in order to make your mods more accessible.


Here are some free webhosting suggestions:


(None of the following sites requires knowledge of html but it helps if you want to do something a little more fancy)




Monthly Bandwidth: 1 GB

Disk space for storing files: • 20 MB





Monthly Bandwidth: 1 GB

Disk space for storing files: • 20 MB





Monthly Bandwidth: 500MB (small mods only or you'll run out of bandwidth pretty fast)

Disk space for storing files: 40 MegaBytes - Freewebs used to have a limit of 750 kb/file I don't know if this limit still exists.






General File hosting:



DropBox - 2 Gigabytes free space, more space available with purchase. Excellent for direct downloads and file sharing for projects. Adds a folder to the desktop that acts as a faux-FTP (with no single-size file limit). We uploads also available for files under 300 Megabytes.



Media Fire - 50 Gigabytes of free space. Great for direct downloads, offers the ability to password protect files as necessary. Offers the ability to share folders and file for projects.




Members' Mod Sites


If you want your website to be added to the list, just PM me. If you don't ask it won't be added.


NOTE: Only links to websites will be accepted. Direct download links to mods will not be added to this list. Sites must have appropriate content.


Sites are listed in alphabetical order. Most of these are quite old, but they all still work. PM me if any of these links are actually dead.


  • Andargor
    Andargor's HQ
    (Home of the Holowan Emporium and Holowan Cloakworks)
  • Achillies
    Achilles' KotOR Mod Site
    (Several Custom Sabers and Item creation tutorials.)
  • ChAiNz.2da
    (Some great mods can be found here. including some quality reskins)
  • Darth333
    Darth333 KotOR mods
    (Miscellaneous mods for Kotor 1 and 2: Easy swoop racing, Recruitable mods, New force powers and some other stuff)
  • Darth_ToMeR
    KOTOR Mods by ToMeR
    (Reskins and recruit mods)
  • Doom_Dealer
    Doom Dealers MODS
    (Includes Reskins and the Holowan Spire mod)
  • Envida
    Envida's KotOR II: TSL MODS
    (Interesting mods that include reskins, items, a mod that adds a lab station in the Ebon Hawk and more)
  • Gameunlimited
    KotOR Mod page
    (Includes Survival Battle, Yuthura, Elite Force, All Force Powers/Feats, Romance, Villain, & Vandar Mods, and some robe modification/reskin mods)
  • Gsccc
    Infinite Empire
    (Reign of the Sith, Rise of the Sith mod & More!).
  • MasterWaffle
    MasterWaffle's Mod Emporium
    (Armor and skin mods etc)
  • Prime
    Warped Productions
    Skins of Jedi robes that are similar to those worn in the prequel movies. Also some specific skins for robes worn by Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, and Anakin Skywalker. The site also a saber blade mod for altering blade colours.
  • Princess Artemis
    Telosian Archives
    Mods, Pics, FanFics and more, this site has it all... Angst Muffins? ;)
  • PrtyLizardJedi
    Trandosha Academy - PrtyLizardJedi
  • RedHawke
    RedHawke's KOTOR Mods
    (These mods are not to be missed.)
  • stoffe
    stoffe's Mod site (High Level Force Powers, Improved AI, Handmaiden/Deciple Choice Mods, and many others.)
  • svösh
    Svösh's KotOR Mods
    (Great new Items, Reskins and several npc reskins and a few new unique models with more to come)

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