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KK's Disguise Armband

Kitty Kitty

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Ok. Finally got things to a point where I could toss out a solid beta.


KK Disguise Armband @ nexusmods.com

KK Disguise Armband @ Deadly Stream

KotOR Downloads Page @ My crappy site

I'll get the files archived on my crappy web space and provide an alternate link to them there tomorrow. Too tired to mess with it tonight. ^-^ --Edited, links updated.


I only actually call it a beta because with the huge dialog file (for a selection menu) and all the script code involved, lord knows a minor error or typo somewhere is entirely possible. I've scoured it and tested it like mad for days though while finishing up alternate installs and whatnot, and I sure can't find any..


Anyways.. As the name suggests, you put this on, use it, select your choice, and it applies a disguise. You can use virtually any creature/character in the base game (plus optional support for any added by K1R and my own custom PC), and you can mix and match any head/body combinations the game will allow. Models that are one-piece (droids, creatures, several 'lite' models and various others here and there) can't have separate heads. Not without re-modeling half the game anyway, which is beyond the scope of this project.


There's a very detailed readme, everything is done with TSL patcher to make compatibility as painless as possible, and I even created a Manual Install folder with 2da files containing rows you'd need to add and images to help in manual merging/editing if for some reason you really wanna go that way.


Hope someone out there enjoys. ^-^


Questions, comments, critique, bug reports, or requests for support of your favorite add-on models/skins that require new rows in appearance.2da always most welcome.

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