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Puzzles a bit weird???

Brian Corr

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Did anyone here think some o' the puzzles in mi4 were weird, like illogical?


I thought so, like the skinonthemanhole puzzle, or cologneontheplatypus puzzle, to name a few...



"So, how di you get up there?"

"Through sheer force of will."


"Oh, alright, it was some of those damn voodoo kids. They found me washed up on the beach and stuck me up here, all the time thinking they were SOOO funny..."

Murray, Guybrush Threepwood

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skin on the manhole,the skin was stretchy making it good for a trampoline to bounce back into the bank.


The cologne puzzle was to **** ozzie off so he would snap his cane in half.


I think the strangest puzzle was getting out of the bank.By using the sponges and stuff.







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I knew what they were for....


I just thought they were kind of illogical...


Using prosthetic skin to get to a high window???







"So, how di you get up there?"

"Through sheer force of will."


"Oh, alright, it was some of those damn voodoo kids. They found me washed up on the beach and stuck me up here, all the time thinking they were SOOO funny..."

Murray, Guybrush Threepwood

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yes i agree, those 3 that were mentioned were the most illogical, getting out of the vault with sponges (it was obvious however), putting skin on a manhole and the platypus one. There was really nothing that would make you think "hey i'll put colonge on that platypus and see what happens" that was the porblem.



Hey, it's timmy the monkey....how did he get here?

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Guest The Feral Chicken

I knew I had to do SOMETHING with Ozzie's stick that would leave a trail; I tried spraying the odour on the cane & on him; Then, when he left, for some reason I said to spray it on the animals and GT said 'It's not as much fun without Ozzie around'...and the rest is history



Money isn't everyting, but it helps


Steve Chicken



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They werent especially hard puzzles, and i didnt really mind that you would never be able to really trampoline into a open window with fake skin. That one was alright. The one that bugged me (even though it was obvious) was the sponges in the door, as if 3 frikin sponges could ever open a bank vault, that one was a little too far fetched.



Hey, it's timmy the monkey....how did he get here?

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I didn't find the skin-window puzzle illogical -


1) look at the skin and Guybrush said it was stretchy.

2) there was a window way out of the way that was obviously a puzzle

3) Guybrush said there was no way he was going DOWN the manhole.


I just joined the dots. It's Monkey Island logic. Which is to say, illogical.




Rage. What better time than now?

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I figured out the puzzles easily, but, as someone said, there was nothing indicating to spray cologne on a platypus...


The file system DID have a "code" to it, with each symbol representing 4 or 5 letters, and each little spinny thing representing an initila...







"So, how di you get up there?"

"Through sheer force of will."


"Oh, alright, it was some of those damn voodoo kids. They found me washed up on the beach and stuck me up here, all the time thinking they were SOOO funny..."

Murray, Guybrush Threepwood

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Originally posted by timmy the monkey:

The one that bugged me (even though it was obvious) was the sponges in the door, as if 3 frikin sponges could ever open a bank vault, that one was a little too far fetched.



its simple science physics...


Sponges expand as they are filled up with liquid... although it would ahve probably made more sense to just melt the other hinge off the door with the grog...




LUA Bar... Whats a LUA?


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You're not expected to be able to see what the pattern is straight away. The point is, you experiment with it and look for a pattern. The obvious thing to do would be to set all the dials to the same character and see what comes out. When you notice that the initials of each name are all within the same area of the alphabet (or that three of one of the symbols actually gives you A A A as the initials), it should be obvious.

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