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Let down

Mike F

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$70! What?! That's an insane amount of money you paid for the game! That better be something other than US or even Canadian dollars. Is it Australian? They use dollars, right?

Anyway, I paid about $45 US for the game, and while I do think it was worth the money, (it's not that bad after all), the game was really short, much shorter than CMI which was fairly quick to complete as well. I just wish they had lengthened the game a little, but even if they did that, the poor humor in the game would have been further diluted and made worse. So I guess instead of length problems, I just wish the team over at LEC had put a little more effort into the things gamers care about, and not graphics.




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I took almost a week to complete it, but that's coz my brothers were playing the computer games they got for Chrissy- I paid $78 Australian for it, coz I was there when it was bought- even then that was like the cheapest we could find it, almost everywhere else it was $85 something like that


Still, I think for what it was worth it's pretty much a rip off

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