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What about this STATISTICS?

Carlos Kepler

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This topic is about the results of another topic "Favourite MI game". No needed new answers to that.


The "Best" was:

Secret 25% :-|

Revenge 51% :-)

Curse 15% :-(

Escape 9% :-C


The "Less Best" (no the Worst):

Secret 18% :-(

Revenge 15% :-|

Curse 9% :-)

Escape 57% :-C




It´s clear ESCAPE has the worst result

Can we say ESCAPE is not a success?

Maybe too short? Maybe the music?

Maybe these errors...?


But my question is: What do you think about the best and the "less worst" are not the same?


Revenge is the best? Why? Maybe for the incredible part II (four map pieces in islands Scabb Booty & Phatt, the best puzzle ever)


Curse is the... "less worst"? Why? Maybe the best "technicaly". More ... "artist"?


Or.. What do you think?


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That is not true at all! The story and the humor in EMI are seriously lacking. It lacks the wit, flair and charm of all previous MI games. The only humor in it is usually either visual or physical and neither are entirely funny. The game is occasionally amusing, but never funny. There were maybe one or two good jokes in the whole game. You have less control over what Guybrush can say, it seems like in a long conversation you get to choose one new line every two minutes.


The story was pretty bland in my opinon. Go to this island, get something, something will make it harder to get off island again, repeat. The newly added characters for the most part were dull or annoying (there are of course exceptions) and rarely would characters save the plot. The established characters were worsened. The Elaine and Guybrush functional relationship was very humorless and was out of character for both of them.


The game also, for some of us, had a horrible amount of bugs. Just look at the Tech Help section. My game was unplayable until LEC released the patch. LEC ultimately rushed their MI product before it could have a good story and it could be polished.


While personally I don't like the 3D and keyboard, that is not my reason for disliking EMI. I really liked Grim Fandango, which used the keyboard and was in 3D as well. You don't see gamers disappointed with Grim Fandango. The problem is LEC put too much of an emphasis on traslating the MI series to a 3D format.


To say gamers didn't like EMI because it was in 3D and used the keyboard is a horribly superficial explanation. I didn't like the game because I had to use the arrow keys?! I think we all handled the switch. Come on, there are more than controls to a game, much more.





[This message has been edited by Dinghy Dog (edited January 26, 2001).]

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I miss the old style of Monkey Island- while I loved the graphics in CMI and the layout I'd rather the story lines of the first 2 monkey island games- also, choosing either a hard level with more puzzles or an easier level. I wouldn't mind seeing something like what Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis had, where you could go off on 3 different paths, the fists mode- basically beat everyone up the wits mode- more thinking, and a team mode- Elaine or someone can come along for the ride


what do lawyers have to do with pirates anyway? And the monkey combat, well it just irritated me, give me sword fighting or something any day, but at least let us learn the insults first (That was the only good thing about monkey combat- learning the insults- other than that it was usless and a waste of my time)


but that's just my thought on the matter




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I definetly agree about the sword fighting thing. The fighting against Ozzie Mandrill was cool, but pointless. I didnt really like the hand wrestling and other insult thing. Stick to the swords.

But I dont think they should have a difficulty setting. That makes it either easy or hard. And you cant always compare with others.


Guybrush: Can i call you Bob.

Murray: You may call me Murray, the all powerful demonic skull. Bmwhahahaahahaa


[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited January 30, 2001).]

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I agree with Natty.


I was disappointed to see there's no difficulty-levels to choose between in Monkey 4. No MegaMonkey mode... frown.gif


The difficulty levels give the game SOME replayability; Monkey Island 2 for example had so different difficulties it was a joy to play it again ( after easy-mode in the hard-mode ).


Well, I agree that the Monkey Combat doesn't sound that interesting. I find insult-swordfighting much more laughable, and the little mini-game ( I call it insult-n-booty ) where you upgraded your ship and stole the treasure from another ships, at the same time learning new insults, was very fun.


I love the old fashioned monkey island as well. Monkey island 2 is the most atmospheric. It has GREAT musics, even 'tho they're midis. It was piratey...




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You´re right, MagaMonkey. The Music !!! My opinion is that in all senses the progression from MI1 to MI3 was ascending. It breaks at MI4. Specially in music. Maybe because Michael Land has gone?


Most of the tunes in MI4 are exactly the same from MI3. What a pity!!!


In MI3 that "atmosfera" was built again in a right way also, i think. MI3 has no bugs, too. Excellent music.


But that i really miss, like you, is that LONG, GREAT, variety of wide sites, clever puzzles inter-connected ono to other..


I imagine that to do the same in 3D would cost at least four CDs. Wouldn´t it?



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