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Craptacularism, this is an interesting experiment dealing with the sociopsychological minds of us humans. Quite the philosophical thinker on human nature aren't you? You're a late Henry David Thoreau.






[This message has been edited by Dinghy Dog (edited January 29, 2001).]

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Yes. MegaMonkey has lots of time to think. This is a lonely island, and Herman isn't much of a chatterbox.


I find it interesting to think the meanings of life, and now I've found a small part of the solution. Another 5000 years and maybe I'll see the truth...




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According to Freudian thought, maybe you started this string with the subconscious intent of confusing yourself with your very own thoughts. That's a new one. As Emerson states in his essay "Self-Reliance", "imitation is suicide". Perhaps your new and bold move in uncovering the secret mysteries of this board is just an attempt to become original by confusing your own self. I believe that invokes a sense of, as the French say, "Je ne sais quoi."

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Maybe Craptularism is right after all... what if he/she ( sorry, don't know wich wink.gif ) really thought this thread out and then posted.


But I mean that life isn't meaningless; it has to have SOME point whatsoever. Maybe we're in the foodchain of eternity... world needs our bodies??


Well, there's a question I still can't answer after long long centuries... What is the meaning of life? I'm still finding it out...




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Originally posted by Craptacularism:

I'm 14

Hihi. So am I.




Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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Yes. Stuck between adults and kids. Can`t drive, and everyone thinks that 14-year old people are small gangsters. Great.



Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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I'm 16. In two years you will be able to understand what I am talking about...well, maybe not. However, if you know anything about transcendentalism or late 19th century psychoanalysis or perhaps the Bauhaus School and its effect on late 19th and early 20th century thought, you'll understand what I say.

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You're 16?!?!


well, you're wise teenager then smile.gif


oh yes, lets celebrate our wonderful age when we can't..

-drive a moped

-drive a motorcycle

-drive a car

-have sex ( or at least our parent's wouldn't like )

-drink alcohol ( or at least our paren'ts wouldn't like )

-do whatever we want ( gotta go to school etc. )






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Hmmm.. boredom of the teen-age...


well, I don't have TIME to get bored because I either hang with friends, go to hobby or post here! Or study, or watch tv, or read, or draw...


or eat. There's the stuff I do! ( but on weekends I have more time to get bored 'tho )




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Hey it's cool to be teenager. You don't have to think anything. I'm 17 and It's just fine.

MEGAMONKEY: You're really 14??? Your english is more fluent than mine and i'm in senior high!!!! DAMN There is a difference between living and being alive. wink.gif



They don't call me the Bone Master for nothing

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