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Characters in games; results

Guest The Feral Chicken

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Guest The Feral Chicken

According to a poll on this very site, CMI in fact has the best characters with 35.3% of the characters voted best in the game

LCR is second with 23.5%

SMI and EMI both have 20.6%


The Worst Characters are in EMI with a staggering 76.9%

CMI has 15.4%

LCR has only 7.7%

And SMI has no votes for worst character!


What does everyone think of this?




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EMI maby had many old characters in it but the most of them was very bad done.(I think)

Murray, Meathook and Stan was quite bad.

Not even Guybrush or Elaine was made very good.





[This message has been edited by storken (edited February 07, 2001).]

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I think what people meant when they voted MI4 as having the worst characters, they were talking about the new characters rather than the treatment of the old ones.

Many new characters, such as the micro-groggery guy, the bank manager, Hellbeard, the guy from the fish shop etc. are utterly forgettable and uninspired. There's a few good ones though, such as the lawyers and the diving judges.

And Admiral Casaba should have been Fossey from MI3.

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