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Any Girls Out there?


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meeting girls on the internet.....not for me, but u go ahead smile.gif



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Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...but a terrible spring.


[This message has been edited by newfoundgloryboy (edited February 05, 2001).]

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If he just wants to greet female members isn't that kinda sexist? awwwwwwww maybe he wants a long distance net relationship? tongue.gif Silly me did that once with some guy from Brisbane (silly me- young and nieve) and he ended up stalking me- besides do I look like someone who wants to get married and have children at the age of 18? and who wants to move away from home to live in hot and humid weather? Nope never again never ever ever ever- coz that means then I'll have to move away from my home blah blah blah blah, and I'm keeping my feet firmly planted on Melbourne soil (I'm talking about Australia here)


So forget it, I'm female and I will quite happlily talk to you, but don't expect me to start having a long distance net relationship- besides, I already have a bf smile.gif




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My mate's trying to have a long-distance relationhip with a girl frrom Conneticut (we live in the UK) and h thinks the world of her. The problem is, nobody else does, all his friends, apart from one girl, think she's wierd, ugly (i'm not biased, it's just that he says she's so perfect and beautiful, when she isn't) and generally a total beeaatch. She's told him that if he leaves her, she'll kill herself (how fudged up is THAT?). They say love is blind, well this guy thinks he's gonna move to the US and marry her (loser) although they argue loads over the net as it is. I really feel sorry for him, because even if he does realise what he's doing (which i think he is, slowly) he's still got the though of her commiting suicide if he leaves(although i thijnk she is lying)


sorry if this bored anyone

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Originally posted by murta:

My mate's trying to have a long-distance relationhip with a girl frrom Conneticut (we live in the UK) and h thinks the world of her. The problem is, nobody else does, all his friends, apart from one girl, think she's wierd, ugly (i'm not biased, it's just that he says she's so perfect and beautiful, when she isn't) and generally a total beeaatch. She's told him that if he leaves her, she'll kill herself (how fudged up is THAT?). They say love is blind, well this guy thinks he's gonna move to the US and marry her (loser) although they argue loads over the net as it is. I really feel sorry for him, because even if he does realise what he's doing (which i think he is, slowly) he's still got the though of her commiting suicide if he leaves(although i thijnk she is lying)


sorry if this bored anyone


There are some strange people out there on the net- it's scary in a way, like I know 1 guy, he's my friend kinda and he basically hits on any female he talks to and gets it stuck in his head that they're going out blah blah blah blah like once he said he loved me and he didn't even know me- how freaky is that? it's scares the crap out of me, and he's the kinda guy that if hes not in a relationship with someone he goes on and on and on about he's gonna kill himself la la la la, most people are sick of him.


Anyways, I'm sorry Xtream if I offended you in anyway, I didn't mean to, it's just being the major chat o holic on the net, I've seen lots of strange people out there who are basically on the net to pick up (I feel sorry for those kinda people) but it's cool that you just wanted to see if there are any female MI fans, coz it probably doesn't seem the kinda game most girls would be into (least that's what I think)





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