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in jokes from The World of MI: all wrong!!!!


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Who the hell wrote those in-jokes and stuff? Most of them are just so wrong!! An example? Ok, Deus Ex Machina: he says it's a reference to the game Deus Ex Machina, but this is an ancient Greek sentence, which means either a god introduced by means of a crane in ancient Greek and Roman drama to decide the final outcome or a person or thing (as in fiction or drama) that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty (thanx to the M&W dictionary for writing it so clearly, I couldn't explain it better).


And there are loads more jokes in the game that are being reported as film references or stuff like that. If you're interested, I can write them all here...


Whoever you are, next time you have to do something like that, please get some more info because you're just being ridiculous wink.gif



This is my friend Picol. He always says only what he thinks, this is way he never speaks.


-[masatomo ueda 2000]-

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Oh, shut up. So Ken Christensen got one wrong, boo hoo, it's the end of the world. I went through and looked at the rest of them and they are all okay. Sure, some of them are stretches, but in those cases I can see his reasoning. He has also done this for all the other MI games and all the pages of injokes are fantastic.

Do you know how much work that must take to recognize, record and compile all of those in-jokes? A very long time. And of course Mr. Christensen can't get all of the in-jokes in EMI, because that's just insane. To make up for its poor humor, it's absolutely laden with social references. How about instead of complaining like a babbling fool, you help the guy out where you think he may be lacking. Send him an e-mail with all the things you picked up. Instead of crying about it, contribute!

And another thing, don't insult the guy. He obviously put a lot of hard work into it, absolutely more work than you did to help him. He's done this for all the MI games, and I've come to appreciate his page because it lets the gamer enjoy a more comprehensive Monkey Island experience. So, Mr. Christensen, if you ever see this message, I would just like to say that I really like your site, and I would also like to apologize for the previous message of Masatomo.

I invite everyone to go to his great site at http://mi.adventuregamer.com/

Go see his great list of in-jokes and his quality site as well.




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Originally posted by Dinghy Dog:

Do you know how much work that must take to recognize, record and compile all of those in-jokes?


Do you know how long does it take to me to code a web site? A very long time. But I do it because a) I get paid for it and b) I really enjoy doing it. So don't give me that "It takes a long time to do" thing because if you like to do something, it doesn't matter how long it takes or how hard it is to get the result: you just do it and like it.


How about instead of complaining like a babbling fool, you help the guy out where you think he may be lacking. Send him an e-mail with all the things you picked up.


Yeah, like I didn't do that... I sent him an email and still haven't received a reply. I told him I could list down all the stuff he got wrongly, but no reply...


And another thing, don't insult the guy.


Ok, maybe that wasn't right, and I apologise (this doesn't affect your statutory rights). Still, I think that when you want to offer a service to someone, you either make it good AND realistic or you just don't do it.

I think that if I create a web site with 200 walkthroughs, all typed in by me, of which half are wrong, you wouldn't thank me for the effort...


This said, I apologize once again for insulting the guy. But what I think remains there: fix the damn thing and next time do it with a little bit less fantasy... otherwise the face on mars will really be a face...

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hey hey hey! Wait a second! I mentioned ONE example, that doesn't mean he got ONE wrong... if you read the whole mail, you'd notice I said I could give you a list of ALL of the things... but you probably didn't take the time to read all of it...


Oh, sorry, I didn't realize... you're the guys who have useless 32KB of signature at the bottom of the image, just to slow connections down...

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Hey hey. Calm down a little. I know a few of the jokes are not exatly from what they`re said to be, and some might be wrong, but for gods sake, stop yelling at the guy. A lot of those in-jokes are well spotted, and some of them are really ingenious.

I would like to see that list of wrong in-jokes here.

Just so you know. If you go to the credits page, you will see that a lot of in-jokes have been submitted to him. He`s not about to just say: No! That`s wrong. I wont put it up. I know, I have sent an error to him. He answered me politely, and put up the error.

Don`t complain.


[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited February 14, 2001).]

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And when I read his whole list of in-jokes, I thought he got ONE blantantly wrong. That's my opinion. Remember when I said a lot of them were stretches, but for the most part they were okay? Do you remember that? That's what I think, not what you think. That's why I said it and you didn't. Got it? Don't try to label me as someone who doesn't read what I'm responding to, Masatomo.


And when I said it takes a long time to compile all those in-jokes, I really don't care what you do with websites. Apparently you have some idea about the time required, but you sure don't treat the guy with those standards. He must like it to make the website, but come on, let's give him some credit for putting together a service for Monkey Island fans. Why do you think that everyone does something for themselves? You have a selfish mindset, did you know that?


And you were complaining. You said the guy was being ridiculous for God's sake. That was unnecessary and improper and in my book you get labeled as a babbling fool.


One more thing, it doesn't matter what the quality of a project is, it's the effort one puts into it. He's not doing this to be graded by you personally, Masatomo. You don't have to agree with him on everything, just recognize that he put a lot of effort into something that you're just openly insulting.


Finally, here's my signature below. Enjoy!




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Originally posted by Dinghy Dog:

And when I read his whole list of in-jokes, I thought he got ONE blantantly wrong. That's my opinion.


Ok, I appreciate you said that that's your opinion. And what I'll try to do is to show you that your opinion is wrong. Here's the list of all that's wrong:


1. When you get the dark player [...] Guybrush says "Impressive" [...] similar to when Darth Vader says "Impressive" to Luke Skywalker.


- Yeah, right... and when Guybrush later says "Hey", that's a homage to "Indiana Jones"... 'impressive' is such a common word...


2. The title "Escape from Monkey Island" resembles a lot of movie titles such as "Escape from Planet of the apes", "Escape from New York", and "Escape from LA".


- and "Escape from New York" resembles a lot "New York New York"


3. His name also sounds like "Aussie", which is slang for Australian and, as you know, Ozzie is from Australia.


- Oz is slang for Autralia and Ozzie itself is slang for australian... but I don't expect you americans to know that wink.gif


4. If you sit on the bench on Lucre Island Guybrush will say different sentences. One of them is "Life is like pillaging a trading vessel bound for Jamestown...".

This is a reference to the movie "Forrest Gump" where Tom Hanks says "Like is like a box of chocolates".


- Yeah, and also a reference to all those diary things girls use to write when they were in primary school... come on!!! Just because the first bit is the same doesn't mean it's a reference!!!


6. At the end of MI4 Guybrush is kicked off the cliff by Timmy, who uses the Anxious Ape stand. Guybrush then screams for help.

In the movie "Austin Powers 2" Austin and a girl is fighting Moustafa and they kick Moustafa off a cliff and he starts screaming for help.


- I'd call that a similarity, not a reference. Or shall we call the bit where he talks to the talking monkey a reference to Dr Dolittle?


7. Guybrush claims the "no nosed pirate" did it". This is a reference to the movie "The Fugitive" where Richard Kimble claims the "one armed man" did it


- See point above


8. When talking to Admiral Casaba, he'll ask you for your name. You can choose to say "Ivanna Tinkle", but Guybrush tells him his real name.

In Austin Powers 2, there's a Russian model named "Ivanna Humpalot"


- That's a joke that has been used in a lot of different places... so I wouldn't call it a reference to Austin Powers but just a joke...


9. When you can't prove to the Scumm Bar bartender that you're old enough to get grog, he says "Well, then...no grog for you!".

This is similar to an episode of "Seinfeld" where a "soup nazi" refuses to serve soup to people he doesn't like.

(Makes more sense if you have seen that episode smile.gif


- View point 6


10. If you go the SCUMM bar, you can challenge the dart thrower to hit certain spots. One of the options is to hit "that guy over there" If you pick this,

your monitor breaks.

This could be a reference to "Quest for Glory II:

Trial by Fire". In this game, if you throw things at the dryad, she will throw something at you and your screen will crack.


- This is not the first time a character in the game 'interacts' with the player... and won't even be the last one...


11. When you talk to Father Rasputin, he will mention the anti-Lechuck, the he-who-must-not-be-named.

This is a reference to the Harry Potter books, the he-who-must-not-be-named being Lord Voldermort.


- Loads of films have the he-who-must-not-be-named...


12. When you are talking to the Voodoo Lady, you can at some point say: "I'm still in the market for a voodoo drenched Deus Ex Machina that'll save the proverbial day".

This is a reference to the game Deus Ex.


- As I said in my first mail, Deus Ex Machina means... er... go back and read my original mail


13. In Pegnose Pete's treasure showroom is a suggestive-looking stalactite.

Similar stalactites adorned a cave in The Cure's video for "Love Song".


And in The Dig, too... and in any film/video/game where the location is a cave...


Do you remember that? That's what I think, not what you think. That's why I said it and you didn't. Got it?


Yeah, right. So if I think that Hitler didn't gas all those jewish people and I think that the Holocaust has been made up, you can't say "Hey, Masatomo, you're quite wrong there" because that's what I think? Do you know that 'intelligent' also means 'open to discussion'? So if you think something and I don't agree, I suppose I can tell you that...


Apparently you have some idea about the time required, but you sure don't treat the guy with those standards.


Ok, let me tell you something: if I do a crap site, most of it containing wrong information and someone tells me "hey, Masatomo, you've got it wrong, just fix it, you *******!!!"... well... I suppose there MUST be something wrong with what I've done... and I am the first to look for ways to fix it... unfortunately it hasn't happened yet, but I'm sure it will... ok, as I said before, I might have been offensive and AGAIN I apologize (seems like you didn't even notice that, did you?) but the point still remains: the site is wrong.


Why do you think that everyone does something for themselves? You have a selfish mindset, did you know that?


That's the point! If you do THAT site for yourself, you can do whatever you want. But if you do it for the public, there SHOULD be a minimum of quality. And yes, even if it's not relevant, I know I'm pretty selfish...


And you were complaining. You said the guy was being ridiculous for God's sake. That was unnecessary and improper and in my book you get labeled as a babbling fool.


'jesus, what a mindjob'... it was, I accept your label (I kinda like it, too) and I'll stick it on my forehead for everyone to see... and again... "HEY GUY-WHO-GOT-IT-ALL-WRONG!!! I APOLOGIZE FOR SAYING YOU'RE RIDICULOUS!!!"


One more thing, it doesn't matter what the quality of a project is, it's the effort one puts into it. He's not doing this to be graded by you personally, Masatomo.


It does matter! If every person in the world decides to put up a poor quality site, then the web will be full of junk and even more difficult to filter... oops, that sounds so much like the situation the web's into right now... forget what I just said...


You don't have to agree with him on everything, just recognize that he put a lot of effort into something that you're just openly insulting.


Ok, I recognize his efforts... and I think he should have put it somewhere else wink.gif


Finally, here's my signature below. Enjoy!


I do enjoy it, it's ok... sometimes having a T1 is quite useful...


Anyway... when can we stop this discussion? It's not leading us anywhere...



This is my friend Picol. He always says only what he thinks, this is way he never speaks.


-[masatomo ueda 2000]-

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Originally posted by Masatomo:

3. His name also sounds like "Aussie", which is slang for Australian and, as you know, Ozzie is from Australia.


- Oz is slang for Autralia and Ozzie itself is slang for australian... but I don't expect you americans to know that



That's rather steriotypical?






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I'm from Australia Frenchy, and I don't really take offence to being called Ozzies or whatever, its just like when people call us kangaroo farkers and stuff that really gets on my nerves, you know same with NZ people how a lotta people call them sheep farkers. I also get peeved when people ask me do I have pet kangaroos or wombats or koalas, usually now I just tell those people we don't have cars or public transport in Australia, we ride around in kangaroo pouches biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Honestly, what do people think we are???? tongue.gif so if you're ever in chat rooms and see people saying "we don't have cars in Australia, we ride around in kangaroo pouches" then more than likely it's me, coz that kinda steryotypical really annoys me





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Originally posted by Masatomo:

4. If you sit on the bench on Lucre Island Guybrush will say different sentences. One of them is "Life is like pillaging a trading vessel bound for Jamestown...".

This is a reference to the movie "Forrest Gump" where Tom Hanks says "Like is like a box of chocolates".


- Yeah, and also a reference to all those diary things girls use to write when they were in primary school... come on!!! Just because the first bit is the same doesn't mean it's a reference!!!



I am going to have to disagree with you on this one. With the words he uses and the voice and tone of voice he uses it in(southern accent), I believe it is very similar to Forrest Gump





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I don't think either of us will be able to stop this arguement, Masatomo because we're both too stubborn. You know it, I know it, the American people know it. (Sorry, a Bob Dole reference, I suppose you Brits wouldn't know that).


Thanks for getting around to what I was do lazy to do, to actually quote from the website. I really like how you use some quotes to try to prove me wrong, it's good to be textually based.


First off, when you said "I mentioned ONE example, that doesn't mean he got ONE wrong", I personally thought he got one wrong. I knew full well you had a list of them, but I thought he got one wrong. I knew you had more than one, I had only one. Is that clear enough? Let's hope so. And what are you talking about with Hitler and the Holocaust? If you're going to go off on a tangent, at least make it comprehensible.


Again, on the website quality idea, it looks like we'll never come to a consensus. I don't think we'll ever share even similar opinions on that. Let's just drop it.


Don't you think that his list does have a minimum of quality? You can't possibly think his whole list is crap, do you? It's not all bad. It has much more than a minimum of quality. Stop nitpicking!


Further, I like giving out labels to people, I'm an American after all.


About your next argument on quality, look to my previous response, the one about nitpicking. His site is not bad.


I know you're apologizing for a lot that you said, and I do recognize that. That doesn't mean I should stop arguing with you about our disagreements.


For your list, it seems that we hold very similar opinions on the list, despite our differences on ideals. Most of these are the ones I labeled as stretches. You say they're wrong, I say they're stretches. We don't differ that much in opinion.


Number 1, is a classic example of the site's Star War quotes. He must know every word of the Star Wars scripts because whenever he finds a word that coincides with the scripts in Monkey Island, he labels it as a reference. Although, I think this particular instance is quasi-warranted. I see his reasoning. But many of his so-called "Star Wars references" are really bad. I'll give them to him as stretches, just because we really don't know for sure what the writers were thinking. They're probably not Star Wars superfans, like the aforementioned, but we can't be sure. Therefore, I grudgingly deem it a stretch, although I'd like to call the majority of them wrong, but I just can't do it.


Number two is reasonable, I think you're being a little harsh.


Number three, he should have known Oz is slang for Australia. Most Americans know that, alright? [sarcasm]Get off your British throne, your majesty...[/saracasm]. Oh the day when they include sarcasm in the UBB code will be a grand day. Anyway, if this guy is an American, he should have represented the States a little better. Apparently, you're like me and like to force sterotypes on people, isn't that right old chap. Is it time for tea yet? I agree with you on the incorrectness of number three. Good work.


Number 4 is perfectly acceptable, have you ever seen Forrest Gump? I believe Kid is backing me on this one.


Number 6 is more of a similarity than a reference and I deem it a stretch.


Number 7 is a blatant reference to the movie The Fugitive! Come on, this is a reference, not a similarity! I'm very sorry, but I can't believe you're saying this!


Number 8. First reference to the Simpsons and its Ivana Tinkle, very acceptable. EMI has a lot of Simpsons injokes. Then he tries to relate it to Austin Powers 2 with the whole Ivana play on words. That was bad and not a proper reference. I agree with you.


Number 9 is a blatant reference once again. A very popular episode in America, the Seinfield soup nazi catchphrase was used very frequently over here. Maybe it's better to be an American to understand these jokes. Anyway, I think you are very wrong and this is an acceptable injoke.


I think Numbers 10, 11, 12 are definite stretches, but I wouldn't call them outright wrong.


For number 12, I agree with you wholeheartedly.


I think now that we've actually used direct quotes from his website, you can see my opinions a little clearer now.

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As I said before: Most of the in-jokes are posted by other people. If he doesn`t know anything about the in-joke, then he probably accepts it. As I also said, check the credits page, ( http://mi.adventuregamer.com/siteinfo/credits/credits.shtml ) and you will see that people have sent in corrrections of his in-jokes, and he has credited them for it.

To Dinghy Dog:

1) Share most of your opinions, but what is the one joke he got blatantly wrong.

2) This rolleyes.gif one is actually called roll eyes, or sarcastic.



<embed width="321" height="81" src="http://www.geocities.com/blinkxxss/mangusb.swf">


[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited February 15, 2001).]

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Ok, I think your last message closes this thread. I agree with you saying that we'll never reach an agreement. But hey, if everyone'd agree all the times, it would be boring, wouldn't it?


Now... one last thing... what makes you think I'm British? Cause I'm not wink.gif


I'm a proud half-italian half-japanese boy (ok, I live in the UK)...


And to stop the misunderstanding, I was joking about the American stereotypes: I love you guys... and you american have huge *****, we japanese have small, small ***** (ok, you might have to watch South Park to get that one...)


Cya around!!!



This is my friend Picol. He always says only what he thinks, this is way he never speaks.


-[masatomo ueda 2000]-

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