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don't hate me cus i'm a god...

Guest nathanism666

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Guest nathanism666

things have been pretty quiet with me for a while, proberbley becus after completeing mi4, i started to realise that it wasn't such a great game after all.

brocken sword, 1 and 2, are much better.


thomas fellas, u think u can b accepted just cus u repented ur sins, hmmmm..., mayb not!


by the way, i suck major balls and i want to be banned from this forum. I'm really sorry for annoying anyone <S>


[This message has been edited by murta (edited February 11, 2001).]

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Guest nathanism666

ahh, go and shag ur mate, thomas fellas, i havent got time 4 ur petty arguments, but, i know u r gay, so why prevoke me?

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Guest nathanism666

hey, i used 2 go around helping ppl in the help forum


and i didn't just tell ppl wot 2 do, like some fools, i gave clever hints


u proberbly were not around 2 c me in my nice, helpful(non hating nfgb(cus he's a twat) stage)

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Guest nathanism666

n, u came slightly b4 me

but i did loads 4 ppl, while u hided away in the mists of anonamousy

while i was responding 2 **** loads of stuff on the help thing

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I don't hate you because you are a god. I hate you because you are an utter twat.


***Removes general calm***

**** off, you Christian bashing wankstain. If you lived anywhere near me, well, you WOULDN'T live anywhere near me because I would bloody kill you. **** off to www.god-only-knows-where-anywhere-but-here.com



***Puts on general calm***




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Funnily enough, he lives qute near to me EXCELLENT, i shall go round and smash his kneecaps.....i mean "speak to his mum about this behaviour"

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HEY!!!MISTER MAN!!! YOU ARE NOT A gOD!!!!YOU ARE A satanic ARAB THAT BELONGS IN A MENTAL ASSYLUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I olny have a few words to say to you about the lawsuit I shall lay upon your head:So help you God


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HEY!!!MISTER MAN!!! YOU ARE NOT A gOD!!!!YOU ARE A satanic ARAB THAT BELONGS IN A MENTAL ASSYLUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I olny have a few words to say to you about the lawsuit I shall lay upon your head:So help you God


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My god did I miss something? (see this is what I get for going out drinking all night last night then watching a friend run stark naked down the street... hmmmmms) but ummmmmm, you go on about Thomas starting petty fights? Hello? Anyone inside that poor pathetic empty head of yours????? why don't you take a look at yourself for bagging Thomas????? what do you think you're trying to do???? and don't say you're trying to proove how much better you are than the rest of us, coz you've just prooved to me you're more of a moron than what I first thought Thomas was (actually now I don't mind him least he's got the decency to admit when he's wrong and apologize, unlike you) I hate people who hide behind computer screens and think they're top Sh*t and soooooooooo good, coz basically no one knows who they are and the chances of someone knowing who you are like (I don't know the odds but they're probably big)


Anyways, whoever lives near him and wants to go over and smash his knee caps, send me a piccy or a video? smile.gif




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Originally posted by murta:

btw, nathanism, do you WANT to be banned by us, or are yu gonna stop pretending to be tough (i bet you listen to Eminem)


this is rather un-related, but EMINEM IS HOT.


i'm done. toodles









"So thats your game huh? Spinning the helpless skull? How juvinielle"


go visit my new website!


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Sorry, it's just that everyone I know that listens to Eminem does this sort of thing on forums, and they're even worse in real life. Suppose I shouldn't really generalise, it's just they tend to be very annoying and think they're better than others (and they hate everything). I suppose alot of his fans just like the music and don't try to act like him

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Guest nathanism666

i don't listen to eminem very often, his music can be ok, some of his lyrics are clever, but i am not an eminem fan, proberbley cus i don't aggree with the kind of image he trys to portray, and encourage to the delincwant youths of todays society.


my bad attitude comes purely from any enjoyment i get out of starting arguments smile.gif


and u wouldn't kill me if u found me, because,:

if u were really big and hard, i'd run away laughing


if u were the same size as me, or smaller, i'd walk up to u kick ur god damm head imbetween 2 railings, then kick u up the arse, in a comical fasion!

say wot u want about me on these forums, becus, i really don't care. i'm not the sort of person who thionks twice about what some strange europeans are saying about me on some run down forum,

(admined by some of the coldest biggrin.gif **** i'd ever imagine cud exist)

and u say u live near me, well i said nottingham, so i'm guessing ur not in nottm, but near it.

therefore i'd say u come from manfield, the world wide recognised capital of inbreeding!




[This message has been edited by nathanism666 (edited February 12, 2001).]

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Derby actually, we like sheep here wink.gif. Anyways, I'd guess you're around 13/14, which means i'm bigger than you, if not i'll get me homeys to come round the Nottingham hood, west-side stylie and pop yo ass biggrin.gif

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Originally posted by Timmy5:

god........... well i am only woundering how you can consider yourself a god i mean if you were a god i dont think you would be putting posts on a mi message board



I agrre and why do you try to anoy people

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