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i just got CABLE!!


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i just got a cable modem, which is the coolest thing ever, and that made my email change


my new email is newfoundgloryboy@home.com



<embed width="230" height="65" src="http://www.geocities.com/blinkxxss/nfgsig1.swf"></p> <img src=http://www.geocities.com/blinkxxss/copsig.gif></p>


Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...but a terrible spring.

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Damn you NFGB! smile.gifgrumble, grumble....lucky bleeder, i've gotta get me summot quicker, i'm still stuck on 56k, even though i download loads (i've downloaded over 6gb from the web in the last year). even though it doesn't seem like i spend much time at my comp.....wierd


[This message has been edited by murta (edited February 18, 2001).]

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Grannen posts (or at least used to) a lot in the Hints and Clues forum, as I'm sure most of you have observed... He seemed to have spent a lot of time on these forums. The main reason he has so many posts is because, aside from answering just about every post, he replies to each thread several times, almost always until the person who asked the question finally got the answer.


Not really my style, as I think it borders on giving out the solution when you give a person so many clues, and I try not to post something that's a repeat of what someone else has said. So the number of posts from me dropped dramatically after Grannen got here (I noticed that NFGB's posts also decreased at around the same time, so I'm guessing it's probably for similar reasons).


Regardless, Grannen has helped many folks since he joined the forum, and that's quite commendable.



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[This message has been edited by brief (edited February 21, 2001).]

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I think people copy Grannen more than the opposite. He has posted something today actually. I hate the clues and hints forum.

Just because I`ve told some people to post clues and hints, not solutions, they are p-issed. They seem to have dissapeared now tho.


[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited February 22, 2001).]

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