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I'm a lil curious, are the trouble makers all the same person or something? Coz like unless it's just me it's like all these trouble makers have came in at the same time or something. I woulda posted this in the Clues n Hints forum, coz that seems thats where most of them are, but then realized that would be pointless, is there a conspirisy going on here or something?


And what is the point of coming on here causing probs and being a pest? I mean it's not like I go running around to all diff forums being a nuicense, some of these people I wonder if they've actually played any of the MI games and are just looking at old posts and asking stupid questions- maybe this is a stupid question, but it's something that I've been wondering





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I don`t think you can register twice on the same computer, unless you, like feral and el pollo diablo, have a shared connection. Am I right? But that may have been a joke anyway, so what the heck. Anyway, I think you`re right. The trekkies came at the same time at least.



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[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited February 22, 2001).]

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These pests are no-lifes, Natty smile.gif


They just come to annoy us because they don't really like MI games, and they have too much time in their hands. This is sad and very COMMON. These pests are everywhere. Every forum has these pests.


And they all act the same. Believe me. I've been having the pleasure to ban few of them as I'm a moderator on few forums smile.gif




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You guys are right, I just find it kinda annoying when I log on and like the first top 4topics or something are by a Dr._Threepwood and then a Timmy5, it kinda frustrates me rolleyes.gif some of em I think coulda been posted under topics already going, but oh well that's just me




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