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Guest Dr._Threepwood

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Guest The Feral Chicken

I live in the land where everyone wears suits and drinks a lot of tea, and everyone has a picture of The Queen in the Living Room.


England. Jolly good! Pip-pip! Cheerio!


****ing stereotypes.






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Guest Dr._Threepwood

This is weird most of you aren't from the U.S. oringnally I thought most people on this forum were from the U.S. Anothor thing about Chicago they teach you america is the most powerful country in the world thus giving the idea that all other countries are punny and they continue this idea thoruout school. I do belive that america is the most powerful country but I don't belive all other countries are punny. Most countrys can severaly hurt the U.S. so why would I belive in other countries being punny




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Yes, I'll agree with you for once Dr._Threepwood, the US is the most powerful country in the world. It's okay to believe that, but most countries won't hurt the US. The ones that want to, can't. Bring it on Bin Laden! That's right, you try to blow up the Space Needle. It's not going to happen. Oh, sorry about that.


Anyway, just to reinforce those hackneyed and false stereotypes, all Americans wear cowboy hats, eat apple pie and play baseball all day. All of them. We deport those who don't.




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The problem with the US being the most powerfull country is the fact that it wouldnt be another county that would hurt the US the most. its more of a threat that the US will hurt the US. It is more an Idea than a country and you may distroy the country but the Idea remains. Most fallen big Countries or Empires fell from the inside out, and likewise I believe if our country was to fall it would start within.

-Vote For Me for President


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[This message has been edited by TunaMurray (edited February 25, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by TunaMurray (edited February 25, 2001).]

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Originally posted by Grannen:

I live on the Swedish West Coast and we have polar bears walking around on the streets during the winter.



Well, how about that?

Everybody belived you when you told them we have polarbears here in Sweden.

He he he!




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I didn't believe Grennan when he said he had polar bears walking the streets tongue.gif That's the kinda stereotypical stuff I meant, like when people ask me "do you have kangaroos hopping down the street" (thats also kinda where the "yes we do we have no cars, kangaroos are our public transport blah blah blah blah" thing came from) or something even more incredibly stupid. Basically the only native animal I get around my house are possums, and don't ask me how they get there coz I don't know and I live in a capital city.


With all this talk about America being the most powerful country in the world (who cares if they are or aren't? Australia has a treaty with America so I ain't worried smile.gif ) it got me thinking, last night Deep Impact was on TV and what would happen if a comet or metiorite (however you spell them) was on a crash course with Earth? Would we all just sit there and go "ok yay we're all gonna die it's been nice knowing yas" or would we you know actually do what they do in the movies and send a spaceship up into outta space to blow the thing up? I dunno it's someting that I've always wondered...

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TunaMurray: What about the Greek Empire, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, French Empire, Aztec Empire, Incan Empire, Poland (they obviously came back after 700 years though), The Third Riech, almost all of the African and Native American nations, Ch'ing China and so on? My point is Empires and countries are destroyed by external influences. Internal movements only change who's running the place. I will vote for you for president. Let's get GWB out of the oval office.

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Anyway, just to reinforce those hackneyed and false stereotypes, all Americans wear cowboy hats, eat apple pie and play baseball all day. All of them. We deport those who don't.


I'm from Kansas, and I'm being deported tomorrow so I have to pack my bags :-)




Everythings cool and froody!!

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Now wish I paid more attention in history class, but anyways my point was we wouldn't need any help to hurt our country. With so much hatred going on between people from different backgrounds we seem to be dividing out country into sections. Living in the South I see a lot of southerners still thinking the civil war is going on, also there is an unspoken tenseness and hatred between the whites and blacks. It is the same way between the locals southerners and the 'newcomers' from the west along with Yanks and Southerners. Looking beyond that is the constant attitude of being above the Mexicans or Hispanics and all this is in one area. If these division lines Grow more and more it could be taken advantage of when we are at a weak point and when we don’t expect it.

-I wouldn’t want to get GWB out; he is a good man and better than I could ever be. He plans to build up the Military, which is good, Peace Through Strength.


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Guest Brighteyesmonkey


I live in little old Sitiingbourne,Kent in the UK! I'm a stiff arsed brit as the americans would call us.hehe!

But I love it! One day i'm gonna get out of here become a BBC Wildlife cameraman and see the world and get it on camera!

(Well thats my motto).I'm gonna see the sights and sounds of the carribien the sort Guybrush has seen! Even if I have to buy a row boat and paddle it i'm gonna do it!

Well there you go that's me. Dunno why I told you that but hey why not!?



How can a mere reply capture the essence of my love for monkey?

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Originally posted by Dr._Threepwood:

R u nuts? GWB stole the election. "I want less gun control" "For a safer palce to be" yeah real safe people running around with guns is realy safe.



If you want a safer place, you need stricter gun laws, what sorta gun laws do America have anyway? I mean it's almost like there's always a shooting going on there every week or something (that's whats on TV anyway) So I've been kinda curious, we've got some very strict gun laws here, cept I'm not sure of the exact details, although I think you need a license for a gun and some guns have been banned altogether. Those laws have been in place since the Port Authur masacare here 5 or 6 years ago, and it took a tragady like this for Australia to change it's gun laws

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Originally posted by TunaMurray:

Dr Threepwood -Does the real danger lie within the guns or in the people with the guns? a gun does not point itself and shoot it is the finger controled by the person. a person must take responsibility for his/her own actions and not blame a piece of machine controled and created by a man.


Okay I c you're a rebulican and we could argue 4 hours maybe years. So lets drop it before we get banned for having an everlasting argument.




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[This message has been edited by Dr._Threepwood (edited February 26, 2001).]

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It's the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Get over it. It and Charlton Heston aren't going anywhere, for a long time. Even if there are gun-related murders everyday, it is America's right to bear and own firearms. Our forefathers (namely Madison) gave us this right. We shall respect it in opinion, as the Supreme Court instructs us to do. We ourselves are not obligated to own firearms, nor promote them in anyway. For the protection of our country we must pass extensive legislation if you wish to see crime rates go down. We must inforce background checks and 5 day waiting periods. We must discourage gun show loopholes. The majority of gun related murders involve an unregistered gun. We must raise police funding and enforce stricter gun laws to solve these problems.


There is no right reason to own a gun. Those who own them all have different reasons. Namely those are: for hunting purposes and for protection. Many arguements can be brought up regarding these reasons and we should refrain from going into that route. I don't believe people from countries with very strict gun laws can understand the US. It is our right to bear and own firearms and that is why people do.


Sorry, but I hope this ends all talk about gun control. I am sorry for starting to address my audience as fellow Americans. It was too difficult to resist. I apologize to all the non-Americans. TunaMurray, what am I? One minute I sound like a typical Republican, but every once in a while I throw some democratic ideas in there too.




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Guest The Feral Chicken

Sorry, but, I must say, that's a load of ****ing crap. I know that most people are responsible (and sane) enough to own a gun without using it. But the fact that anybody can walk into a shop (even ****ing Wal-Mart sell guns, for Chrissake! I know this because Wal-Mart recently bought ASDA, a British supermarket, and there is a joke about it) and buy a god-damn GUN, a piece of machinery capable of killing someone with one little squeeze of a trigger, is appalling. IMHO, all people who want to own a gun should get backing from 2 reliable members of the public (who cannot be family of the person, nor can they have a criminal record. And they must actually KNOW the person, obviously) and recieve permission from the government to legally own gun, much like getting a passport. Well, that's my two cents (I've heard someone say that somewhere)






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First of all the seller does background checks on anyone legally buying a gun from any legal store (Wal-Mart included, but I've never seen a gun in a Wal-Mart before). There are people who do not have the right of possession of firearms. The Washington State Law about this is,

"It is unlawful to own, possess or have in control any firearm by a person convicted, or as a juvenile adjudicated, of a felony, serious offense, domestic violence offense if committed after July 1, 1993, who is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal or sentence for a serious offense, acquitted of a crime by reason of insanity, or who has ever been committed by a court due to mental illness."




"A commercial firearms dealer may not deliver a pistol to a purchaser who is prevented from possessing a pistol or who is under 21 or to one who he has reasonable cause to believe is a drug addict, habitual drunkard, or of unsound mind. "


In many states these guns must be recorded with either the government or the police. The government is not going to give the right of bearing a firearm to someone most likely to use it. You sound like you believe any wacko can walk into any store and pick up a gun. This is not true. There is at least a 5 day waiting period for background checks to own a gun. Once again, those who shouldn't own a gun are not going to get one. Like I said, anyone who is not from the US will most likely not understand our system, this includes Great Britain. Please, if you really want to argue, take some time and look over this issue.





[This message has been edited by Dinghy Dog (edited February 27, 2001).]

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Sorry, I didn't realise that! Just that all these ****heads we have over here (i.e. Politicians) always make it out to be like that. I simply didn't realise, and I should have done some research before coming in here shooting my mouth off (pun intended) Again, sorry.

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Okay I relly want to drop the gun issue but before that I have one more point 2 amke. GWB might b a good president and on the gun isue I want it to make it illiegal to sell a gun without a lock because an incident in chicago was when a boy was over at a friennd's house playing wiht a gun left open and the host told him not to play with it and by accident his finger slipped on the trigger and killed him. Alnog with sfety locks and I want backround checks so the wrong people won't get them why can't some b patient.




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