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Guest Dr._Threepwood

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I think no matter where you are in the world, no one is ever going to be totally happy with the gun laws their country has, however sometimes I feel that the owners are responsible when their children get to their guns and start playing with them, coz I feel that most children only see guns as a play thing, and more often than not are unaware of the consequences that guns can do, but I think children over the age of 12 know what guns do, children aren't as innocent as they let on sometimes... but people may disagree with me, but that's fine, it's just what I think... now lets talk about something other than guns biggrin.gif

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You are never going to be able to get this discussion to end if you keep adding new points instead of finalizing your opinion on previous ones. As for the kid you mentioned, his death is really a shame, but come on. The problem is not if you have a gun lock or not, but the education of the kid. The kid, let's face it, was being a moron. If he was properly educated by his parents about guns, how they are used, safety, and what they do, this wouldn't have happened. Parents shouldn't let guns fall into kids hands, that is the first mistake. Second of all, many pistol locks aren't safe. They can still go off and that has happened in many cases. Gun locks can't prevent everything. The first problem was that the kid got the gun.


But the main problem with that situation is, "Why the hell was the freaking gun loaded in the first place?"


Idle guns should not have live ammunition in them. This case was all of the parents fault, whereas the kid still holds a little resonsibility. Let's not look at the kid here primarily. Stupid parents + ignorant kid + gun does not equal good results.


Another thing to add is background checks are required in all states along with that 5 day waiting period. A way for those who do not hold the rights to own guns to get around this was to use the gun show loophole, but most, if not all, states have outlawed this.





[This message has been edited by Dinghy Dog (edited February 28, 2001).]

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Strange, I was thinking that as I scrolled through all the posts, it's gone from asking everyone where they're from to gun control, and now, the last 2 posts are about exactly what I was thinking LOL- ok that was kinda usless me telling you that, but oh well




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