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Monkey Island is Dead!

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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

If not 3d what do you suggest/

Cos the graphics were brilliant. Ok so it could have been more piratey. But ive explained my views on that a while ago.




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Whut i liked the graphics, they were perfect, how could you like the graphics from the first games, i mean the first two games graphics were ok for it`s time, but they do suck, and the graphics from the third one scared me, they made guybrush look stupid, and he is not stupid.

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Guest Rapp Scallion

Originally posted by the_xxxxx:

He's not???

Hello, Guybrush is an ANTIhero! He's supposed to look stupid. And he looked great in MI3





NO! Don`t say that! OK, he`s an anti-hero, but he don`t need to look stupid! Guybrush like the cover arts of mi-mi2 would be great (I know i`ve mentioned it before, but it is true!)!

I hope Guybrush in the next Monkey Island games isn`t so goofy looking. I don`t say that he was bad in cmi-emi, but i will like to see a not-goofy Guybrush again.

Monkey Island isn`t dead yet. If only the game is piraty and have a good story it is good. EMI was good but it wasn`t so piratey as it could be. I want to see a MI5.




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I liked the CMI art/design/graphics the best. I loved the goofy-looking Guybrush. It suited the game. The only thing truly missing in CMI was me of course! Those dammed game-programmers didn't include me into any scene of the game. I was p1ssed back then, but I got a contract to appear in EMI. I don't know if they added that scene but I certainly hope!


Guybrush, literally, is a nice fella'. Maybe quite funny-looking, but that suits his nature. Elaine truly is beautiful, and you wouldn't want to see LeChuck really in front of you! The SMELL of his breath was... horrible. And he always stuck the stick too far into my ear. Made it hurt.




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The MI series will not end now. Look at the success of EMI. The sales aren't quite high, but it is an outstanding success for an adventure game. I mean this thing is in K-Marts for god's sakes! You can't say that about many adventure games, especially nowadays. EMI has driven itself into pop culture and broke out of its niche. EMI will not be the last, because for many many people, it's the first adventure game they've ever played.


There was a comment earlier about how Guybrush is an anti-hero. I wouldn't go as far to say that, but he isn't the typical hero. An anti-hero would be a character like Holden Caufield from The Catcher in the Rye (More information is available in your local library.) Guybrush is nevertheless an hero is more or less ignorant to his environment. As he stumbles around the solutions to the games many puzzles, we grow to love his antics.




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An anti-hero is someone who is fundamentally unlikeable and/or whose motives are not good ones, but nevertheless happens to be on the side of right in the given story.

This is not Guybrush wink.gif

Rincewind (who is far more concerned with saving his own skin than righting any wrongs, though he ends up doing this anyway) from the Discworld books is an example more of you will be familiar with smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Tull (edited March 27, 2001).]

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Yeah...he doesn't TRY to, it just happens...I agree with Tull


(Shameless Plug) In fact, if you are buying Black & White, you can join a Small Gods Clan, based around Discworld! The website is http://on.to/smallgods . I'm a member, and guess who my character is? Yes, it's Rincewind smile.gif (End Shameless Plug)




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