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Questions regarding list of taunts


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I noticed when playing multi-player that if you push a #, 1 thru ? it will say a message. Does anyone have an official list of what numbers say what? and i cant remember if you have to push enter and then the number (like to chat) or if you can just press the number. I was up all night playing and everything kinda gets blurry after a while.


thanks in advance


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On that site you'll only find my episode II poster. Look at the site in my sig for aditional taunts.


As for for the original taunts (1 -58) I have a list near my computer wich I posted a long time ago ...




Found it:




(maybe this list should be posted on GB.com in case this thread gets lost ... it's the 2nd or 3rd time I got asked about this list)

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Or you could just post it on your site. :) It would defintely improve it because, as afar as I know, no one else has it :)

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