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Why, hello!!


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Yup. It's me, and I'm back, at least for a bit of time.

So what's happened the short time I was gone?






[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited May 12, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited May 12, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited May 12, 2001).]

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Magnus biggrin.gif Helloooooo we miss you, well I do, I dunno about everyone else, but I miss everyone, I'm even missing Frenchy and she's gone bye-byes for a week and I'm gonna miss NiKo coz he's going bye-byes tomorrow as well frown.gif


Anyways, whatcha been doin, where ya been and so on and so on?





Check Out My New Homepage, And Sign The Guestbook, Otherwise I'll Be Upset!

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Takk for det. Thank you.

I just needed a break for a while, and I'm not sure if I'll stay for long.

I'm here now anyway.

So have there been any trouble-makers? Any new people? (Unless my mind is mentally damaged I can't say I've seen you before AFish01?)

And where has Frenchy gone?

I haven't really done much in the meantime really, but I'm glad you missed me. smile.gif


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Guest Brighteyesmonkey

Ooohhhhh theres been trouble makers!

Johnathan Carter made a reapperance.

Matthew Arnold: Wank er. Banned

Others but i forgot em.


Frenchy's on hols




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I think he means that Jonathan Carter aka Thomas Fellas made a reappearance as Matthew Arnold, who was pretty much obsessed with that guy (I forget his name, he's like the smartest person on Earth and he's in a wheelchair and talks through a boxy thing) And he told NFGB off (can't remember why though) as well as NiKo coz NiKo kept on accusing him of being Fellas, so that kinda provided some entertainment as well as flaming for a few weeks biggrin.gif





Check Out My New Homepage, And Sign The Guestbook, Otherwise I'll Be Upset!

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Love your sig Kid. I remember that strip where Calvin sneezes and walks in to the kitchen, telling his mom that he blew his head off. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Caveman: I registered here back in January sometime, and I visited the forums nearly every day, but was on a break for some time now, but as you see: I'm back! wink.gif

What about Mega then? He still here? And Feral? I have hardly checked the rest of the board.


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Guest Rapp Scallion

Welcome tilbake!

Har du v¿rt i Ulefoss ennå, MagnusB?

Jeg har sendt deg masse mail.

Okay, kanskje bare to, men jeg har spurt sinnsykt mange ganger på forumet, for jeg visste ikke at du var borte.






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