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got past past rocks. but how the *** do u foul in monkey kombat??? plz read


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All right, I'm re-posting this info into the thread, as I want to add a few more comments....


(Note: This post has been edited to correct some errors.)


This is how Monkey Kombat works--There are five possible stances in Monkey Kombat:


  1. Anxious Ape
  2. Bobbing Baboon
  3. Charing Chimp
  4. Drunken Monkey
  5. Gimpy Gibbon
    Similar to Rock-Scissors-Paper, certain stances always lose out to others. In Monkey Kombat, each stance can defeat two other stances, and in turn, can be defeated by two other stances.
    The kombantants exchange stances in turns. You select your next stance by using specific Monkey Insults for the stances. For instance, to transition from Anxious Ape to Drunken Monkey, you would use a particular combination of Monkey yells, and you would use another combination to transition from Bobbing Baboon to Drunken Monkey. If you want to remain in the same stance, just repeat the same Monkey yell three times.
    The good news is that the transition combination works both ways. That is to say, the combination to get you from Anxious Ape to Drunken Monkey can also get you from Drunken Monkey to Anxious Ape.
    If, however, you use a combination not designated for the particular stance you are currently in, you will have committed a FOUL.
    Using the same stance as your opponent results in a DRAW.
    Each kombatant starts with a certain number of bananas. Each time a kombatant loses a stance, one or two bananas will be lost. When a kombatant has no more bananas, the fight is over.
    There are four possible Monkey yells:
    1. Ack
    2. Chee
    3. Eek
    4. Oop
      So, if you wanted to remain in Drunken Monkey, you should be able to use "Ack Ack Ack" or "Chee Chee Chee", and so on. This seems to be the only thing that doesn't get randomized for each new game.
      Speaking of randomization--each time you start a new game, the transition combinations and defeating stances get randomized, so the combinations I figured out for my game probably won't work for your game.
      Therefore, what you have to do is to figure out the combinations for yourself, by fighting with other monkeys that roam the forest.
      It might be helpful to set up a chart for yourself, so you can easily reference what combination is for which transition, and which stances beat which other stances.
      Personally, I used two tables like the ones below:
      <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpaddign="2"><tr align="center"><td></td><td><font size="1">Anxious Ape</font></td><td><font size="1">Bobbing Baboon</font></td><td><font size="1">Charging Chimp</font></td><td><font size="1">Drunken Monkey</font></td><td><font size="1">Gimpy Gibbon</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Anxious Ape</font></td><td></td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Bobbing Baboon</font></td><td> </td><td></td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tr><td><font size="1">Charging Chimp</font></td><td> </td><td> </td><td></td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Drunken Monkey</font></td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td></td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Gimpy Gibbon</font></td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td></td></tr></table>
      <table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2"><tr><th></th><th><font size="1">Loses To (1)</font></th><th><font size="1">Loses To (2)</font></th></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Anxious Ape</font></td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Bobbing Baboon</font></td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Charging Chimp</font></td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Drunken Monkey</font></td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td><font size="1">Gimpy Gibbon</font></td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></table>
      Fill in the blanks as you watch the monkeys you fight against you. Jojo will tell you one transition combination and one of the stances that can always win against a certain other. Once you have them all figured out, it becomes very easy.
      Final notes:
      • You don't need to figure out all the moves to defeat Jojo, you just need to be able to defeat the four different monkeys that roam the forest once each (Guybrush will say that he thinks he's ready to take on Jojo Jr). After that, when you take on Jojo, no matter how badly you do, your banana level will never drop below one banana.
      • Three times is all you need for the final battle.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents


[This message has been edited by brief (edited December 21, 2000).]

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Monkey Kombat Rules Addendum:


The transition combination and rules of dominance are randomized not at the beginning of a new game, but are set randomly when you first ask Jojo Jr. about Monkey Kombat.


So starting the same savegame at an earlier part of the game will NOT guarantee that you'll have the exact same combination required to beat Monkey Kombat. However, if you start a savegame from any point after Jojo Jr. has told you the combination for transitioning between Anxious Ape and Drunken Monkey, then all the combinations will remain the same.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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I had to beat four monkeys before taking on Jojo Jr.



I know exactly what the real secret of monkey island is. I'll tell you.

The real secret of monkey island is... hold on, there's someone at my door. This will only take a second...

HOLY ****! It's Lucasarts! They know where I am!


I must tell you the secret before I am taken away!


The real secret of monkey island is... NOOOO!



<User has been deleted>

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You need to beat three other monkeys and then you can play againt me (Jojo Jr)


Of course my hat looks like tiny LaFeet's THAT'S THE POINT! You can use it on a certain monkey head (GEE i wonder where there is one on Monkey Island) and try to create another Ultimate Insult...






Aak Eek Chee for you, from Jojo Jr.!

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The rules of dominance are definately randomized, just as the transition combinations are. In my original game, the Gimpy Gibbon beats both the Charging Chimp and the Drunken Monkey, but it no longer does in a new game I've started.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally posted by Mifreak:

Hey, breif, how would you like to come over to my house, and beat the monkey kombat for me....?


C'mon, with the rules already known to you, it just takes a little bit of time and patience to beat Monkey Kombat with the tables..


If you really want, search for my posts in the Tech Help forum. You might find something there that might help you.



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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Originally posted by MonkeyLover:

Hey Could Some One Send Me A Copy Of The Chart Above I Am Totaly Stuck Please Help!!


Does your browser have problems displaying tables? If so, let me know. Otherwise, you can just draw the same tables on a piece of paper, and write down the combinations in there.






Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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The rules of dominance and transition combinations are randomly generated when Jojo Jr. tells you about Monkey Kombat. Any savegames after that point will give you the same Monkey Kombat combination & rules of dominance.


If you start a saved game that was saved before Jojo Jr. told you about Monkey Kombat, then the combinations and rules of dominance will be different again, since they get randomized at the time when Jojo Jr. tells you about them.




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Hehe...I was playing music and it looked like the monkey was dancing to it!




Buckbuckbuck BWAAAK!!



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  • 1 month later...

I wish I'd known about the pause button while I was playing EMI, I had to write things on teh fly, didn't discover that till I got the Bounty Pack with the first 3 in.


Maybe its just me (out oif the whole EMI players), but I really liked the whole Monkey Kombat part. Maybe because it was such a great **** take on Mortal Kombat I don't know.



May the Force be with you.

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I think it's ok once you get the hang of it, but I just thought Monkey Kombat didn't really have that much purpose at the end when you're supposed to defeat Le Chuck, coz that's all Monkey Kombat was about really, but it does get frustrating sometimes, the dissapointing thing though was that it's not really piaraty and that's the dissapointment I had with EMI overall

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