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What about the Fists?

FIDO Droid

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Has anyone ever considered this? Well, you know how in JK the fists are REALLY bad looking? What will the fists in JK II look like and what kind of moves will you be able to do with them. Will they look like they do in the screenshots? (notice that in the screenshots, you don't see a first-person view of the fists.) The only first-person screenshot has Kyle holding a gun. What do you think they'll look like?

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Wait wait wait wait wait! I got this one guys I got it. I know you are all dieing to say it so I got it ok.


Hmmm...let me think...they are going to look..well..mabe like..hmm..wait a second..hmm...


LIKE FISTS! They are going to look like fists. What the hell else would they look like...goats! Yea lets go around punching everyone with goats!


Ok so mabe Im a little hostile but cmon. The fists in JK were sweet as hell and very much fun to box with.

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The fists in JK were sweet as hell and very much fun to box with.


I never knew hell was sweet. I think Mafia's hyper active right now. And yes, the fists in JK II will look great, realstic, life-like and so on. But what about different moves and punches. Maybe you'll be able to kick. I made this thread because I'm tired of the boring little card-board box hands in JK. Even the fists in SS3 are bad(but they're better). Weapons for JK II:


1. Lightsaber (obvious)

2. Bryar

3. Stormtrooper rifle (A different kind)

4. Thirmal Detonators (Yahoo!)

5. N/A

6. N/A

7. N/A

8. N/A

9. N/A

0. N/A

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I hope they make some punches and kicks [ like Callista already said ] . If you wached the final battle in Phantom Manace you remember how they fought... It looked amazing not only because of the sabers . They used some martial arts techniques like cool kicks and stuff like that.So it would be realy nice if they included this in the game [ it would look more realistic ] .


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Hey remeber, Fist=Peace....lol...no quarels guys...even though I know you all are just cranky this morning..But yes, remeber that JK was being developed like 6 years ago, and we have come along way since then, eseacialy with new graphics hardware and game engines....I'm sure that fist will look as close to real fist as possible...lol...and some new punches and moves could be fun...

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I dunno about you guys, but having fists and sabers as different weapon keys seems to prevent the sort of fluid fighting you got in Ep1. Personally i would rather have fists/kicks as the secondary fire function when the saber is drawn. That way you could mix up punches, kicks and saber moves fluidly.


Kicks and punches might not do much damage, but they could be used to knock people back to give yourself some breathing room, and maybe an opening to land a saber blow. Back and side kicks to knock back surounding enemies would be very helpful. (A bit like Maul kept doing to obi... maybe working a bit like in Urban CHaos (although with useable controls))

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