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Heads up Display H*U*D


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What do you guys think of the HUD. I dont like it and hope they implement

the original one from DArk Forces And JediKnght. What are your thoughts? :rolleyes:


Off the subject but i saw this yesterday. This guy makes starwars maps using the q3a engine pretty kool for only a couple of days Check out the link

web page


[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: Armand ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

If this is your attempt to try to keep something about that UT builder site on the main page, this is getting slightly annoying.


Someone started a thread to link that site in this forum (VotJ), it was moved to the Swamp because it was not JK 2 related. He posted it again here and it was locked. I've also seen people drop by to link to his site at TFN's forums probably 3 or 4 times over the past couple months. You may or may not be part of an effort by a group of individuals trying to support and promote his cause since he was ordered by LEC to cease making SW-themed levels.


I hope you are not trying to take advantage of the recent interest in dicussing the HUD in the latest screenshot thread here in order to plug his site yet again. Anyone that wants to talk about UT Builder or link to his site for SW maps can do so here.


Since I could be completely mistaken about your intentions here please feel free to continue discussing the HUD in this thread, but keep what I've said in mind.

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Not at all I saw his site metioned at planet quake. Thats all. I thought his maps look kool for only a couple of days work. As for lec wanting this guy to stop making starwars themed maps . Thats F*** up. I support fully this guys effort to bring the starwars universe to the q3a world . By the way Screw UT. There is a reason that they are using the q3a engine and not the unreal for jk2 You Ponder.........

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No, LEC is doing the right thing. Maybe if LEC wasn't going to ever publish a Star Wars themed fps, but we have coming up right around the corner using the same engine fer cryin' out loud! LEC and Raven just want the business they deserve.


Base it off of something else that doesn't already have a game out or will have a game out, or let's just get creative for once people.

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