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Just a little side note.


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Nothing important, I was just thinking and I think it would be nice if Raven gave us a little weapons database in-game this time. If you can walk back to you ship or if you can access you ship between levels I think this would be a nice little addition.


While in the past games have given us information in the actual game booklet, and sometimes at the inventory screen in-game, I think a database would be good. It could be on your ship and every time you gain a new weapon, when you access it, it searches known database's and adds that weapons description to itself. Name, type of fire, rate of fire, known advantages and disadvantages and a short piece of writing on the gun. Maybe even a revolving image of the gun.


While it isnt really anything big, I belive it would add to the "immesion factor", and be much more interesting getting the descriptions as you play through the SP missions (even if some of the weapons are old favorites).

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I read JKO will be set up a bit like Star Trek Elite Force. For those who don't know, in EF in between missions you ran around the Voyager ship and talked to people and such, trained on the holodeck, etc. I'm thinking it will be similar to this, except maybe with the Moldy Crow. But Moldy Crow is kinda small, so maybe they will have a new ship or a base.

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That reminds me of my earlier idea that Raven could redesign Katarn's workshop for quick lightsaber training with practice wall and remote "between missions". This would also be a good chance to add WeeGee into the game; maybe even make him a kind of shortcut to MAIN MENU & OPTIONS or database you mentioned. :D


[ September 02, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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