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saber smooth


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can't wait till someone says 'welcome newcomer' to me, ill thwack em. =P pay no attention the 311, i was just too lazy to register until like a week after the site started. If someone dies, i hope they will me their #...




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I have a feeling that Raven people have wrapped up most of the basic saber moves so far(they even confirmed in chat that they have "captured a ton of motion capture data and it will be incorporated it into the game"), but when they are doing fine-tuning and perhaps creating additional moves, they should check out this site which is devoted to lightsabers(or sabres, like the site itself calls it) and examines different strikes, stances and en-guarde positions found from the movies. It is very informative and helpful, especially if you are into Kendo; most of the text is actually written before TPM premiered, but they used its trailers and tv -spots as referencial material while analyzing Qui-Gon's, Obi-Wan's and Maul's individual ways to fight. :D


[ November 30, 2001: Message edited by: Lord_FinnSon ]

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The saber still needs alpha-blending to be tweaked, it's kind of choppy in spots. Other than that and some textures that should be changed I think it's fine.

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