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There has probably aready been a topic on this, but anyway...


Will there be a quicksave key in JK2? I know some people find it detrimental to the game's atmosphere--oh, here's a hard part...F6/7/9...whatever.

On the other hand, it is just as, if not more, intrusive to get into the game menu, click save, enter a name, blah, blah, blah, a la SoF.

I would like to have a hotkey, but it'd be interesting to hear other people's opinions...not complaints.


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There will probably be

Im not been around here late, but I dont think that it has been mentioned or confirmed, there is not much info yet


But Im sure there will be quicksave and that itll be a hotkey

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the jk quicksave was great... nothing is more annoying than games that take forever to reload a game, exit out to menus, then load the entire engine from scratch again... argh... :(


On the other hand... ;) AvP was far more exciting with the limited saves/level option.


My personal ideal would be a very fast quicksave (like jk, project eden), but alson the option to limit the number of saves per level (like AvP2 apparently has).


I always liked the front to DF, where it listed all the levels you had completed, along with a colour coding for which difficulty you had done it on. That way if you got stuck on a level you caould drop the difficulty for that level.. but then it would bug you to see it there and you would have to go back and complete it on a hard level.


Maybe you could get medals for completing levels under certain levels of saves and have a cool medal cabinet like in Tie Fighter. ;)

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