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Wild Blasters?


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The Blastech E-11, also known as the "Stormtrooper Rifle" is actually very accurate. It has a long range, and can stay accurate at long ranges too. Stormtroopers are actually supposed to be "elite", but I'm not sure that makes a difference against a Jedi. :D

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If you look at the E3 footage (The longer one) They show two small bits with the stormtrooper rifle at 0:56-1:09 and 2:02-2:07, its not much and very hard to make out, but from what I see the stormtrooper rifle is more accurate than it was in JK1.


One question, is it just me or does that guy seem to be abusing saber throw in the footage?

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Originally posted by toms

...maybe having the first shot acurate then increased inacuracy would be cool... or have the primary fire as before, but the secondary fire a slower, acurate shot.


Yeah, I tend to agree. I think that short bursts should be more accurate, but a sustained burst of fire should start to go wild. I thought this effect was well done in Quake II with the submachinegun - although ironically, I didn't think that gun was appropriate to that game. :D The way it started to ride up was good, and you had to work to keep it under control. I wouldn't mind if the ST Rifle used something similar.


If anything, I thought the Repeater in JK should have been the more inaccurate weapon due to it's rapid rate of fire.


And talking about the usefulness of pistols as accurate weapons, I tend to agree...although they should be restricted to accuracy and effectiveness at short- to mid-range, while rifles should be accurate at long range. I believe in JK the power of the shot faded over distance...so you had to use more ammo for long shots. That is something I think should remain. Although I wouldn't mind having a similar secondary fire on the Bryar as the DL-44 in MotS...hold it down to power it up, and then fire. That would increase the usefulness of the Bryar, IMHO.

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