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How to make a better JK2.

stars are bright

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actually i hope RAVEN doesn't even bother with the best ff/nf clans. I have a feeling if it were left to most of the expert clans, they'd just end up with a jk remake. they should take a intelligent look at what made several force powers useless(i.e. persaution) and avoid such mistakes which just limit your choice of force powers.

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Guest Kurgan

A good point there. I think the best thing about JK was the variety involved, that allowed you to customize your playing style (even more so in MotS). Also the vastness of the game and complexity made it take time to master, but you could still go about it different ways.


Many players have perhaps gotten locked into their own playing styles and would forget about innovation and that sort of thing that new players can contribute and bring to the community.


While it would be nice to get their input, this should be kept in mind. JK2 should appeal to more people than just the hardcore JK clan experts.



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although I know some WDs and SyKs would disagree with me, I think RAVEN not knowing how the experts play is a good thing. RAVEN will know basic neccessities, etc. for a good DM/CTF/ETC but it'll be a fresh slate - most expert multi-year jkers still playing JK are limited by a) PC restrictions b) they've become so dependant on one form of play that they never expand to new gameplay methods simply b/c they can't switch to any thing else. and i'd have to imagine that they would have the game modeled after a form which they've repeatedly played for years.

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one aspect i really loved about ff was the simple domination you could perform. its one of those things where u can easily kill everyone dropping all others in the ffa or play by yourself with one really lousy teammate and beating both members of the other team..

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ty for making yer sig smaller, ty god.


I meant stars are bright, I posted a very long msg dealing with why most of the "elite" members of the zone community don't have the attention span to explain how or why they play JK to their friends, let alone some Raven guys. Also said that VDS didn't hardly play JK anymore and that he sounded like he was trying to get voted in...


Also somthin bout Clown not knowing anything about q3, there being no cogscript in JK2, etc.


The best the Raven Team can hope to do is listen patiently to the community and hope we offer up some amazing gems of info by accident, or just go play on the zone fer a bit and see what it is we're talking about. Annoymously of course. Both of which im sure they've/re done/doing.


One of the biggest problems with the zone is how self important all the cats seem to have gotten over the last year and a half or so. The folks that are only interested in winning *have* become entrenched like DB said. They don't change, they refuse to give new kids a chance, and they have a strangle hold on the whole place. It might change, but its only got another year to do so.


Didn't use to be like that, for evidence I'd site all the folks that have moved on or switched between nf, ff, guns, sabs etc. Lots of the more mature players are all arounders, and a lot of the really coo ones are gone, playin other games; long since fed up.


I just thought sab's post embodied all that was wrong with Nar, so I said so. Dunno why it was deleted.




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FMV's or no FMV's, JK still is good. I dunnow if JK 2's FMV's, or in-games video's will ever be the same as JK. JK's story was it's most strongest element. What will Raven Software come up with ? Oh, we all know about Kyle finding out about a Dark Jedi developing a powerful new technology that harnesses the Dark Side of the Force. I mean Level storyline and objectives, dumb-ass !



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