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A few questions for you to ponder...


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Aren't any of you going to play the single-player game at all before you try MP?


I didn't get into JK early enough, but was it big the first day of release?


Oh, and will there be a lot of laggers around? I imagine the system requirements will be quite a bit higher than JK, and most people that play will probably have a higher-end machine, so i doubt there will be as many.



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Look at the amount of people who play Q3 and UT...and look at all the D3 enthusiasts..that answers that question about player amount.


Also, in this particular game single player is definately more important than mulitiplayer because mods can always be created later.

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Originally posted by BluRR:


Oh, and will there be a lot of laggers around? I imagine the system requirements will be quite a bit higher than JK, and most people that play will probably have a higher-end machine, so i doubt there will be as many.




Yea, the system requirements will be considerably higher, but I'm sure a lot of ppl have upgraded since JK1, so as far as system requirements, that shouldnt be too much of a factor when it comes to laggers. However, internet connection will. I don't care how awesome your system is...if you got 28.8 you're gonna lagg like a mother. AND, when someone has a 28.8 they become the main factor in game ping. So if someone with a T1 is playing vs someone with a 28.8...they're ping to each other is gonna be limited by the 28.8. THATS why we need dedicated servers...cause with those the only ping that matters is your latency to the SERVER, not other CLIENTS.

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Guest Sithxace

i got a P3, 703mhz, 64mb RAM, 15gigs, a 8mb 3d card but will upgrade it to like 32, so will my machine ya think be fast enough for the awsome game.



(I just watched the movie, phat!, interact, lightsabor, moves, wow!)

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Originally posted by FOG-Wraith:



Windows won't make use of anything beyond 256 ram bud, sorry :-/</STRONG>


Windows 98 won't use more than 256 Mb RAM for memory, but it will use the rest for swap, which is a lot faster than swap on the HD. Windows 2000 and ME use a maximum of 512 Mb RAM I think.

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Guest Kurgan

Hmm.. so if true, that might be one thing ME has going for it over 98SE.


Then again, what do you really need 512mb ram for these days?



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Originally posted by Sithxace:

<STRONG>i got a P3, 703mhz, 64mb RAM, 15gigs, a 8mb 3d card but will upgrade it to like 32, so will my machine ya think be fast enough for the awsome game.</STRONG>


I think that if you get good framerates in Q3, you should be able to run JKII. If you're barely running Q3, well, you might be out of luck, since Raven really beefs up their engines.


700 Mhz P3 oughta be fine, you just need a new video card.

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