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The Yuuzhan Vong

Guest GL_Raptor

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Guest GL_Raptor

There were some messages going back and forth under another thread about the Vong being a good race for this game. Rather than try to find the new messages just dealing with them in a tread of several dozen replys I just thought I would start a new topic :)


It would be great to see this race in action. The books certainly describe their technology well enough to make enough units. Shapers for medics and Vong Warriors for jedi. Their troopers would have to be slaves with thud bugs. Their mechs could be those bug creatures that shoot fire and of course their fighters would be coral skippers.


A really neat idea would be to make a yamosk (not sure on the spelling) their version of the Shield Generator. What do you think?

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Guest Maul403

every1 is talking about weird civs for an x-pack...in reality u know that they would not do it....i mean i dont really know how to say what im trying to say....just use common sense, they wouldnt put the "vong" in there i mean come on

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Guest ImpStarII

First of all in Edge of Victory 1 Vua Rapuung tells Anakin that "Vong" is a very offensive term. And second the Yuuzhan Vong are too powerful, and if their power was cut down it would probably be boring. But I might be wrong.



From the Star Destroyer, Sly


ImpStarII :vsd::tie:======== :x-wing:

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Guest GL_Raptor

The vong make alot more sense than the naboo. The rebels the empire and the Yuuzhan Vong are the most powerful groups/civilizations in the SW books and movies. The Hapans would make sense too. But having civs like Gungans or the Naboo doesn't make sense to me because they aren't very big.


And yes, Vong is very offensive to them but I'm not really worried about one of them getting mad at me :)

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Guest Maul403

no your right the naboo and gungans are not very big..they are just the basis of all of EPISODE ONE!!!!!!!!! btw..when is the Vong's power shown in the movies? use common sense..the vong will not be in an x-pack

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Guest ImpStarII

Umm, Raptor you might reconsider that statement "I'm not really worried about one of them getting mad at me."



Staring at a Yuuzhan Vong warrior, wanting to know where you are. :eek:


You too maul.

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Guest Darth G

If u actually read the series, u'll realise that the Yuuzhan Vong are very powerful...


Even Luke Skywalker had problems dealing with them, wit them in the game it would mean that they would hev be very high hit points and attack.


It also means that every trooper in the Yuuzhan Vong army would have a plus agst the jedi/sith, one of the strongest units.


It was mentioned in the book that a jedi would have problems detecting the presence of them...


Anyway, i didn't really enjoy the storyline of the Yuuzhan Vong, they just didn't make sense that the Jedi cannot sense them.

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Really, the Yuuzhan Vong make more sense than the Mon Cals. The Mon Cals are part of the Alliance . Having them as an independant civ scraps the continuity. Before joining the Alliance, the Mon Cals fought off the Imps with kitchen utensils. Do you really want a civ of fish brandishing forks and egg beaters? As for the YV's "invisible" state when it comes to the force, the theory I think makes the most sense is that in their home galaxy, midichlorians don't exist and/or don't reside in certain life forms.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Hydraliskk

Really, the Yuuzhan Vong make more sense than the Mon Cals. The Mon Cals are part of the Alliance . Having them as an independant civ scraps the continuity. Before joining the Alliance, the Mon Cals fought off the Imps with kitchen utensils. Do you really want a civ of fish brandishing forks and egg beaters? As for the YV's "invisible" state when it comes to the force, the theory I think makes the most sense is that in their home galaxy, midichlorians don't exist and/or don't reside in certain life forms.


So, the whole campaign of the Mon Cals would take place before they joined the Rebels, so it would make sense. Besides, the Naboo are part of the Republic, and they fought with volunteer policemen and lasted all of 10 seconds against the trade fed.

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Yes, but the Republic had become slow in decision making and the Naboo had no choice but to fend for themselves. The Mon Cals had a defense sheild and hoped they would never come under attack. When they were attacked, all they could do was fight with everyday hand tools, no ranged weapons. While they did drive off the Imps, the lack of ranged weapons, I feel, makes them unlikely canidates for their own civ. However, I'm not against putting new, Mon Cal produced Alliance units in an expansion. The Amphibons would be a great (unless they're already in GB) addition. :cool:

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Guest daveman309

The Vong would be balanced. Their ground tropps would be slaves. These slaves did not have weapons, and would be melee. This would hinder expansion early game. Also maybe they would have to have controller Units, to controll their tropps. Without them the slaves would go mad?



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Yuuzhan Vong troops could also be slaves armed with thud bugs, thus making them ranged troopers. Maybe the Yuuzhan Vong could use something like the Zerg Queen to infest, or in the case of the Vong "shape", enemy units? There's just too many fascinating aspects when it comes to the YV to not put them in an expansion.:cool:

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While at first glance the Ssi-ruuvi Imperium looks like a good choice, once you really think about it and apply the standards of the game, the Ssi-ruuk wouldn't work very well. Really, the Ssi-ruuvi don't have much to offer. The P'w'eck servants/troops carry (from what I understand) shock paddles, making them non-ranged. The only other Ssi-ruuvi war units I can think of that aren't capital ships are their battle droids and we already have a droid heavy civ.:bdroid2:

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Guest Muuurgh

I don't think the Vong will be an expansion. It would be pretty cool though if GB2 was a fight between the Imperial Remnants, the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong. Can't think of any others off the top of my head.


But if any race is going to be an expansion, it should be the vong.

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Guest porkins14

Definitely an expansion civ. They want civs right now who everyone knows they are. There are some jackasses out there who dont even know who the Rebel Alliance is, so they definitely wouldn't relate to the vong

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