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What are you waiting the more : Jedi Knight 2 or SW Galaxies ?


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I'll play them all of course, for a period of time. If SWG is a monthly fee however, I'm afraid I'll have to decline. I'm not that obsessed with video games that I'd pay per month to be able to play it. JK2 will be amazing (better be), and I want a Rebellion 2 as well. The biggest pain-in-the-@$$ for Rebellion would have to be the slowness. I wouldn't play it multiplayer because it would be a 4-8 hour game. Same reason I wouldn't play Heroes III on the net. It would have to be real-time and not so slow-paced. SP was fun though...

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Guest Kurgan

I agree, about the monthly fee thing.


Having a single player portion would be a big help to me, because I tend to pick up a game for awhile, play it non-stop, then take a break and not play it for awhile (days, weeks, months, it depends) and I'd like to be able to come back to it where I left off without having to buy the game again (essentially).


I am more looking forward to JK2, just because I'm a far bigger fan of shooters and action games than I am of adventure or RPG games.



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A monthly fee is no problem for me... I mean it's only 10 dollars a month, no more than what you might buy on other things. Personaly, I wouldn't pay 10 bucks a month for any other game... but this one is different, considering it's Star Wars. :)

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this has to be one of the hardest questions i have ever had the priveledge of answering. SWG has been a game that i have been looking forward to for years, ever since i can remember. being a priveledged young man ($$$), i wouldnt mind paying that fee every month to live a life-long dream (yes, i am a dork). so, SWG is my #1, followed quite closely by JKO.

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Guest Krayt Tion



designed from the ground up to work with thousands of other people.withoutwhich.thegamecouldnotfunction.


thank you.

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Honestly, I'm sparing myself the trouble of bying SW Galaxiesand then saving money and wait AGAIN. Anyways, I hate strategy and space combat-flight simulators. Jedi Knight wins by far. Sorry to dissapoint you boys and girls, but I remain true to my choice. Anyways, what sort of crazy human would sit a JediKnightII.net if he/she liked GALAXIES more ?



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JK Was da BOMB and JKII will be the re-BOMB of JK


We all played JK for years, if raven uses the same formula we'll all be playing jk2 for years to come...


Yeah SWG looks really amazing, the pic with c3po looks just so real, but if I have to choose between graphics and gameplay I dig gameplay way more :)

I haven't really got the patience to play games like SWG or rebellion etc


Just gimme my sab and conc and I'll have fun 24/7!

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SWG is a MMORPG its hardly a strategy game.. Comparing to rebeliion is just.. Wrong. Go read Starwarsgalaxies.com.. that game looks great.. the only thing that really really really puts me off is paying £10 a month!


[ June 27, 2001: Message edited by: KillerBee ]

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