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The Moldy Crow

Lord Turec

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I just had a thought, with having the Moldy Crow destroyed at the end of JK what do you think he'll have in Outcast? I know he used that lambda-class shuttle in MotS, but would he still have that? I wonder if they'll equip him with a new transport, a freighter of some kind...what does anyone else think?

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Heck, how 'bout Kyle owning a YT-2400 freighter named Relentless or even a classic YT-1300 like the Millenium Falcon, that hunk o' junk.


Which do you think is better? Dash Rendar owns a YT-2400. Upgraded with three new KonGar KG defender ion engines, two TURBOLASER cannons and an Imperial military-grade HyperDrive. Flew with it in X-Wing Alliance. BIG pappa, man Big pappa.




[ June 28, 2001: Message edited by: Mercenary_Turned_Jedi ]

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