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about all the weapons from vagabonds list that he put togeather.I think that almost all those weapons have a place in JKII, and I dont see a reason why they cant use 30 or so of them. some of them are really cool, and would ad some intresting strats and gameplay would be incredible.

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Guest Vagabond

Hehe...if it were up to me, there'd be a bunch of weapons in the game, and you could cycle through the different varieties available.

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Guest Vagabond

Thanks, wardz. And if you think it took a long time to read, just imagine how long it took to put together. Even now I keep finding tweaks to wordage, etc. It'll never be "complete". It'll just gradually become less incomplete ;)

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First off let me say that the article was pretty good. Weapons listed therin would be fine, but yes there would have to be adjustments for gameplay. To be honest though, why would we need 30 guns? Think about it, most of the guns from the movies do pretty much the same thing; fire a red laser blast. Why do we need 30 guns that do basicaly the same thing? Granted there are varients in ROF, Range, and accuracy, but... JK had a good mix of weapons. Bryer, ST Rifle, bla bla you know the list. They all were differant and made the game intresting.


30 guns would be somewhat combersome. You all want the game to be like he movie right? How many guns do you see most characters carrying? Also there arn't enought hotkeys for all of them. Why you are cycling weapons trying to find the one you want, that ST is filling you full of holes. Almost all FPSs have around 10 guns anyway.


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: -WD- ToRMeNt ]

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Guest Vagabond

Truthfully, I prefer variety in the weapons for JKO, which is why I listed odd weapons like the Snare Gun, Neural Inhibitor, E-Web Repeating Blaster, Micro Grenade Launcher, Net Launchers, etc. Another notable weapon that someone emailed me about was the Nightstinger sniper rifle from the Heir to the Empire trilogy, which would also be excellent for JKO.


However, there are so many cool weapon models to choose from that it can be difficult to choose which one would be best. Obviously 30 weapons are too many - I was being somewhat facetious when I said that.

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ok so maby 30 guns would be a bit much for one guy to have to cart around while trying to kill some evil dark jedi. but what about for the different classes in MP. there was some metion of it in the article vagabond wrote, like wookies getting bowcasters, tuskens getting that club thing, and a few others. I like to have like a bazilion options in a game. that way you can always find the right tool for the job. and something that fit's your styile of game play best. that's why I want lot's of gunz to be in JK. if there weren't I dont think it would feel like SW

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