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Beta Test


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I know its pretty far off at this point but what do you guys think they're going to do regarding beta testing, do you think they'll do it in-house and not have sign ups or do u think they'll look for testers. because if they were looking for someone to test it i think this is the place to look. stay cool. matt.

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Well i hate to rain on your parade, but their arent many developers who actually have an open beta test.

Well unless they are developing an MMORPG or something like that.

Furthermore i think its a safe bet to say that most of the beta-testing will be done in-house by lucasarts and Raven probably 2 teams put together no doubt.

There is a small change however that they maybe have something like a demo/open beta or some such, but that too is rare at best.

I'm not being negative here just realistic and of course a certain amount of experience is involved here too.

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Guest Celestial

I wouldnt be too sure about that.


Recently, there has been alot of open beta games. I for one was on Tribes 2 beta. Not to mention D2, and AO.


Since Raven is making the game, theres a chance, maybe slim, but i wouldnt be surprised.

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Guest Celestial

Diablo 2 didn't have many bugs and it was open beta. I don't really think them having their own team makes that much of a difference. It's not like raven is breaking new ground by creating their OWN engine. They are simply modifying Q3's engine and creating their own graphics. An open beta would give the community a sense of gameplay, what works and what doesnt. Sometimes a DEV teams perspective is much different that a players in terms of what will make this action packed with hardcore competition written all over it. Ever wonder why the DEV team members usually suck at the games they make? :p

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE:

<STRONG>We've already had a thread on this. There will be no open beta...Raven have their own team of beta testers which is why their games always have so few bugs. Id much rather have them test it than have a game come out with loads of annoying bugs.</STRONG>


Pssst... every game company has a Quality Assurance department. If Raven games are so bug-free theirs may well be a very good one, but the fact remains that "having their own team of beta testers" isn't all that unique... :)

Not that any of that changes the (nil) likelihood of an open beta, but still...


Oh, and it's been my experience that most development team players can match the best a hardcore community can throw at them after months of gameplay. I've personally been slapped around by some of MW4's developers, and I'm not exactly a slouch with that game. This may not hold true for plain FPSes like JK2 with their simpler dynamics, though.


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Denise ]

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I hate to say it but Cap't rave is correct.


Even if Raven were doing this venture on their own it is doubtful they would release the beta for public consumption. The fact that LEC is running the joint makes it doubly unlikely.


I'm sorry, but it may be the best in the long rung. At least we will know the game is 100% bug free anyway thus meaning a better game all round..



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In my experience, most FPS open betas (not all, I know) tend to be when engine tech is being tested rather than gameplay components (eg. Tribes 2, Quake 3). Raven did not openly beta EF or SoF, and to the best of my knowledge are not planning to do so with SoF 2. Hence, I don't hold out a great deal of hope for JKO either. This is not a negative thing - what works for one developer doesn't work for another, and in the cases of the games I just mentioned, the quality of the final product was not compromised by the lack of an open beta.

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Originally posted by wardz:

<STRONG>I hate to say it but Cap't rave is correct.


Even if Raven were doing this venture on their own it is doubtful they would release the beta for public consumption. The fact that LEC is running the joint makes it doubly unlikely.


I'm sorry, but it may be the best in the long rung. At least we will know the game is 100% bug free anyway thus meaning a better game all round..





Wow...he agreed with me :). It still wont be 100% bug free though, but with a lot less bugs than if it was publicly tested.

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It doesnt matter how many people beta test a game. Fighting Legends had 100,000 beta testers and still has bugs....some testers will just not bother to report bugs....some just want to have beta tester to their name. Raven beta testing team know what to look for, and will find technical things that all the 100,000 people might not think of looking for.

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