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Does anybody think there should be an option to die in 1 or 3 shots just like the AI does? It would be the option after Hard, could be called Real. Cause you kill people with three hits, but you take like 100. It should be more realistic, like Rainbow 6

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umm... i feel ashamed for replying to this.. but after reading all FOUR of his stupid threads... i had to say something.


Ok.. #1.. Raven isn't going to change the game from what they already have it to meet the needs of 1 little individual.

#2.. If you want to play a game where ppl are blown to little tiny bits, go play this game called Unreal Tournament. U might have heard of it...

#3.. Quit spamming my boards


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Well now its obvious that this guy's posts bring out the worst in a lot of us. Dude, I know you mean well, but a lot of your posts are actually pretty dumb, so if you're doing it on purpose please knock it off. No I'm not flaming you, so don't take it that way, just think about what you post before you do it. Thanks



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This isn't one of his spam messages. This one is an intelligent question. Just because he made some other posts that you think were dumb, doesn't make this one stupid or dumb. Let's try to keep this place civilized. We've got a good community here, let's not ruin it, especially at this early srage.


That being said, I think it's possible that we'll see a realistic mode in JK2. Deus Ex, for example, has a realistic mode, in which you die in a couple shots (I was just talking about how impossible it was with GonkH8er tonight).


I think it's rather unlikely we'll see it, but there's always a chance of it. I personally wouldn't use it other than once, just to see how hard it was.

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it could be done...


let wutangkillerbug.. learn C++ and modelling and texturemaking and mapping... and let him get the source to make his mod when this game is out!


you could make this game into a rainbow6:urban tatooine or sumthing.... or right now play rainbow6!


well... please... think about it first before posting your thoughts in separate threads!


<dr.evil>*so one thread to flame you all over* </dr.evil>


anyway... go look at the editing section of the forums to look around what you could do with a Q3A based engine... and try searching the net!



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