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Training Level??


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lets not get too carried away with this idea of Tomb Raider i mentioned...its not gonna be like...a mansion, where you run around in a bikini as your butler farts and watches you...

maybe his house, maybe the Massassi Temples...maybe Jan will time you or whatever, maybe Luke will be there...either/or sounds good to me...as long as the player gets a lot out of it every time he/she goes into it :)

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Kyle would definatly have a masion, and what the heck did Luke ever do, he didn't kill the emporer or nothing he was getting he puny ass whipped, i want this game to be all about Kyle not stinking Luke stealing all the fans



another thing when did Luke and Kyle meet, what game was that,




Scott :mad:

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Guest Kurgan

Don't you mean "WHEN" not where?


Because if you just mean where, LEC has announced it will take place:


Cloud City, the Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, Nar Shaddaa, the smugglers' moon--plus some never-before-seen locations (according to LEC's JKII page).


If you mean when, then it takes place sometime after Mysteries of the Sith, as far as we know (7-10 years or so; MotS took place about 5 years after JK; JK of course took place some time after Return of the Jedi).


Aura Sing didnt steal any sabers, she had her own scarlet saber, but she DOES have other jedi sabers as trophey's. I think it was around 5 sabers or so, heh aura sing r0x0rs!!!!


Exactly, she stole the lightsabers off of dead Jedi. No contradiction there...




[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Yes...I like this idea of a training level alot..Put it this way,We know after MoTS that Kyle gave up his saber..So,he obviously is going to be rusty when getting it back from luke..I think this is where it would be cool to insert this traing "Option" into the game..You could have it like this..


Kyle goes to Luke and asks for his saber..Luke being a Jedi Master,gives Kyle some advice and tells him he should train with him for a few before going on his journey..simple.

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How about at the start Kyle does try to construct his own saber, and you run through the first few levels with your saber falling apart because Kyle hasn't a clue about how to make one.

Then you control a saber from the start, you learn to deal with bad breaks within the game, you learn to rely on your blaster, and then you get the satisfaction of having a reliable saber later on.


If anyone thinks this is a good idea, great.

If anyone thinks it sucks, I'm kinda starting to agree with you...

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a Training level would be awesome. i don't know if any of you have played this level, it's called Jedi Academy, and its a level where i trained regularly, and is good for training Wookies,oops rookies. i think its a great idea, because it gets people familiar witht the controls, and just keeps your skills honed.


if you would like to have a look at the level just go to massassi.net and llok in the JK MP levels, on page 6 or 7.

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