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Possible ways to improve saber fighting....


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In Jk, the saber was very limited in its fighting, i wanna see what ideas peeps have to make saber fighting better than just clickin 1st or 2ndary swing. (for those who dont know) The 1st swing in jk was small, less effective but had better defense, and the big swing was much more powerful (if someone was even slightly hurt it would kill instantly), but left ya open. Im hoping personally maybe they make the movement of the saber like thay planned to for obi wan, b4 it became x-box crap, use the mouse as you would if you were holding the blade, maybe hold a mosue button and move mouse to the left, and blade moves to the left, if you dont press mouse button, the blade stays at default block like in the original game , but does not block everysingle gunshot (it blocked most of them), then you have the choice, block yourself, or not.. the skilled would get good at this and would be able to test themselves at blockin, then the blockin WOULD be dependent on skill, but not necessarily if you want to use the default...it would also possibly work for fighting, you see the blade coming from your left, move to the left to block.. this would bring some skill into blocking and also fighting, only problem is it would make the game dammm hard, and i dont think they will want to scare away potential new players, :eek: can anybody think of another way, apart form the click primary/secoday buttons, or even a way of improving the old way.. because saber fighting, was what kept the love of jk for me, even as it is im sure i will play forever, but if they improve it.. i can say goodbye now to any possible tan or social life... (umm cept for you guys :p ) well what do ya'll think..?

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