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Multiplayer Mod Idea: Jedi Academy


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I foolishly posted this in the Valley, but it appears that people there are more interested in arguing about Kyle's shoe size there than to try to brainstorm any ideas. :-)


There's been little tidbits here and there about a training mode in JK2, which is cool, but what sounds really interesting to me is some form of multiplayer Jedi Training or Jedi Academy game. If Raven does one, great, but if not, I've messed around with mods for Quake 3 before and think it would be fun to try something like this.


Of course, it's only a fledgling idea in my head. I'd love to see some form of game where players challenge each other to complete "deeds" that would increase their Force ability.


This would be fast-action, the goal is to start from nothing, and build up your force abilities high enough to become a Jedi Master and end the round. The deeds could be physical challenges, or direct combat using only force powers, I dunno.


Any ideas along this line?

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Well you could do it in a couple of different ways.


One you could have a sort of "obstacle course" or Jedi basic training or something.


Or you could have like little mini missions that are designed to test certain skills.. or you could do both.


If you just want to think of specific types of trials that should be pretty simple.. just use your imagination.


The classics of course are targets to shoot at to improve your aim, sparring partners for sabers, training remotes, that sort of thing. For some references, see Thief, Half Life, Deus Ex, Unreal Tournament, etc.



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An obstacle course would be interesting, something that allows a Jedi to test his skills. I'm deciding whether to make the use of non-damaging force powers some type of direct competition, or something less confrontational like the obstacle course would be. Certainly many powers are best used against your opponent. Force push and pull would be appropriate to spar off on in a map of traps or pitfalls. More subtle powers like persuasion would need some sort of stealth test, either against automated enemies or your opponent again.


Saber duels would be the coolest part, perhaps along the line of Luke practicing against a seeker drone, although ultimately the goal is to successfully spar against an opponent.


Personal capabilities such as force jump most certainly would involve circumventing some obstacle, such as a precision test.


As far as the overall goal, if a map contained tests for each of several force powers that could be completed in any order... Hmmm... Need something a bit more compelling than that.


Dang, coming up with multiplayer games that don't involve destroying your opponents is harder than it sounds. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe you could have it really big for this multiplayer, like in the temple have like some training droids and have a course that requires you to use some sort Force powers. Go out side into the jungle. As you enter the jungle you find different creatures like mynocks and other small beasts that try to kill ya. There would be like a cave and in it would be a Dark Jedi like from the Empire Strikes Back [maybe Jerec or the guy with the pony tail] and maybe Luke Skywalker and other Jedi knights and masters and have them in different areas. Like one would near a lake and the other on top of the Temple and so on.

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Hey I was thinking, they should replace the force mana boosts in MP with Midichlorian protein shakes. ; )


That'll learn 'em!



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