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Global Togetherness

Guest Krayt Tion

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Guest Krayt Tion

I watched coverage tonight of a Special Session of the British House of Commons held yesterday, the 14th of September.


If there was any doubt that the UK was not completely 110% with us in this global war against terrorism, not even the faintest trace remains now.


Frankly, I would really like to find the text of that speech somewhere. It was that good. Articulate, succinct and last but not least more than re-affirming. I was able to see Tony Blair and also the British Conservative Party Leader speak. I will not attempt to paraphrase any bit of it as I might do it a disservice.


I realize this affects us all, especially in any country that holds freedom and democracy dear. I've heard of course that the leaders of so many nations around the world have expressed support for a war against terrorism with the United States and given us their heart-felt condolences.


But there is simply nothing like hearing and seeing it yourself, or at least on television. It has really made an impact on me.


I wish by no means to suggest in this post that other nation's support and condolences are not as strong and/or appreciated as those from the UK. They happen to be so far the only nation whose response I have had a chance to watch in detail. I will be making an effort to seek out any filmed responses of other leaders I can get, or at the very least read over some more in-depth text responses. Any links to such things that you've already read or are looking up just for this thread would be much appreciated.


I found the British Special Session Address on C-SPAN so I suggest anyone that would like to see what I have and more in the US start looking on that channel.


I would like to give an enormously ardent thanks to forum goers living outside the US who did not hestitate in the slighest to actively demonstrate willingness to stand united and continue to stand united in the face of these evil acts. You know who are are.


I would also like to extend an invitation to anyone that might be the least bit hesitant on whether it is a good idea to put some faith in and trust other nations or their peoples which could all be victims of terrorism at this time. There has never been a better time than now. If you think about it this might ring true no matter when it is said, but we do find ourselves now in a position for humanity to lose greatly on scales we could live to regret.


Before my soapbox reaches heights taller than the Twin Towers once were let me wrap this up.


One thing I know I'm going to get out of these current events is not only a greater sense of me in my nation but a greater sense of me as a citizen of the world.


It is unfortunate that recent tragedy had to plant me more firmly on this path, but I'm there now, and I'm ready to take advantage of it as best I can.

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