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bad day....


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damn i have had a shocking day...


first my head was slammed into the corner of a door and is rather sore now, and also i was tol iwas not welcome to hang with some of my mates by another "mate" then i got home and got blamed for doing all this stuff my brother did. how bad is that... PLUS my box is being a bastard.damn.. :(

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You've my sympathy Flux, I had one like that last week.


My cure you ask? Bottle coke/fav alcoholic beverage (depends on age), block of Cadboury's Top Deck or Caramello choccie, and sit your arse down in front of your computer and spend rediculous hours playing your favourite games! :D


Hope it helps!

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I too had a bad day. I really got close to one of my friends over the summer, and now we are back at school. We had lot of the same classes together. It was great! But then today he switched one class to a higher one (regular to advanced) and in effect needed to switch all the classes he was in with me to different ones so he could be in the right period. So if you don't mind, I'm going to grab a big bottle of Coke and eat some tacos. Just so you know, you are not alone. :mad:

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