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Independence War 2


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Anyone have this game? I'm d/l the demo as I type, but I don't know what to expect. It's supposed to be good though. Dynamic story were you can become anything, pirate, mercenary, etc. You upgrade your ship, too. A long fileplanet queue though. 2900 :eek:

EDIT: left out a zero


[ September 23, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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Guest Krayt Tion

200s is what I run into a good night at WaitingPlanet, try downloading cstrike and you'll get lines of 2000+ now... people usually have good mirrors in situations like that though. You just need to find the forums where people like to show off my being the first to find and post good mirrors for heavy releases. :D


Anyways, I read this review of IW2 at firingsquad recently. The pre-review blurb called it "privateer-esque" and that immediately piqued my interest. Privateer is one of the best games I've played- ever. Back in the 486 days it was just me and my Centurion tearing it up in an open-ended and immersive universe like no other.


I was disappointed though when I read this:


EoC is far more story-driven than either of the old Privateer games, or even X: Beyond the Frontier. Unlike those games, you do not really have a choice whether or not to follow the story. If you wish to progress at all through the game - such as acquiring a capsule drive, better ships and access to better weapons - you need to go through the missions the game presents you with.

The freedom in the game is very limited and there is really not much to do with it. About the only thing you can do is find suitable areas to stalk around, wait for an unsuspecting victim and pounce. A pure trader route is not only not viable, it's impossible to do.


So, this game might still be fun and interesting for some but for privateer fans like myself I'm not sure it will cut it.


Even though Chris Roberts jumped ship, I'm still eagerly awaiting Freelancer. Last I heard he was still a consultant on the game but I haven't checked up on that game in a long while.

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