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The Welcome Cantina...


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The Welcome Cantina,

That is the name,

To welcome newcomers,

And fans of the game.


So pull up a chair,

And I'll whip up a brew,

Our policy here,

Is to welcome you.


Try a game of Sabacc,

In the room at the back,

Our glitterstim spice,

Is also quite nice.


Hear the Jizz-band,

Watch the dancers whirl,

The drinks here behind me,

Will make your toes curl.


Blasting the patrons,

Is not very nice,

But a few hundred credits,

In hand should suffice.


We welcome all comers,

From near and afar,

So order your drinks,

At a table or bar.




Any newcomers, please feel free to introduce yourselves. We even cater for droids...our lubricant tanks are renowned throughout the system. May your stay be pleasant and profitable. :D

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