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654321 switch!!

General Theros

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I am slowly going crazy 123456 switch....crazy going slowly am I 654321 switch......I am slowly going......... I need to get away from coming to this site in the hopes of some minute tidbit of new information......it just makes me slowly go crazy......please...just slit my wrists now and be done with it. sniffle.....Oh how I wish they would give us some new info. Question for you guys..... The non-existant flow of information of the game.....is it a good marketing move spiking interest and info-starvation induced curiosity and loyalty or.....does it eventually wear down on the better part of the potential buyers thus causing an eventual lack of interest that soon turns the buyer to looking for his "food" elsewhere while every rememberance of the game is looked upon with dread and loathing? Just curious....I'm pretty darn hungry myself......

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Heh... wow. No, Theros, you might be surprised to find that most people don't track a game's progress while it's in development. The first some people hear of these things is when the reviews start popping up. Or --and this one is still the most common-- when the pretty boxes start appearing on the shelves.


Further, this isn't a "lack" of information... heck, it's a veritable barrage as far as pre-release information goes in this industry. So, errrm, relax. :)

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