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Star by Star (Spoiler Warning)

Guest JediKnight_114[b]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Well, I just finished reading Star by Star, and here is a list of the latest bad happenings in the NJO:


Borsk Fey'lya dies

Coruscant is captured by the Vong

Jaina has begun turning to the Dark Side.

And worst of all, Anakin is killed.


While obviously a sad book, it was relatively well written. The dialog was good for the characters, but to me, they seemed portrayed wrong. For instance: Luke and Mara were in X-Wings for every battle, Corran was not flying at all, but was in the command center guiding the battle. There were other things as well, but those were the most prolific.


Still, it was a good book that you guys should try. Although Anakin's death might be enough to ruin the series, and nearly ruined the book.


Did anyone else read it. What did you think

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Yeah, it was more exciting and original than the others save Mike Stackpole's. Tons of plot twists and more than 600 pages long.


The entire feeling of the book is half doomed, half excited. I mean, you finally see the jedi going behind ememy lines to fight the Vong, but you know that some are gonna die. It wasn't shocking to me when Anakin died since others at the SW.com forums had spoiled it already, but it was still incredibly sad.


You should read this one though. It's very entertaining.

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I'm still on Edge of Victory 1. Haven't really been following NJO lately, I've kinda lost interest. They've used up the Vong already in my opinion, and they were never really that much of an addition to the EU.



EDIT : By the way, how about writing spoiler alert at the top of your post. I really didn't want to read that, I wanted to find out on my own.


[ November 13, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Simpson ]

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Ummmm, did you read the subject heading? Looking at it now, I see, "Star By Star (Spoiler Warning)" Now, did that translate on your computer as No Spoilers or something. I think I gave fair enough warning so you could know to enter at your own risk.


Sorry if you didn't see it, but I did give a Spoiler Warning.


And Micsn Peep, I guess you'll just have to read it to make sure, huh? :D:mad::eek::confused::p:(;)

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Well, he actually went out with a BANG, so to speak. Ah Ha Ha. Read it, and you'll see what I mean.


Ironically, he was portrayed rather well in this book, finally going face to face to Nom Anor and the rest of the Vong politically, instead of attacking the Jedi or somthing. And, he has a rather noble end, so while not very sad that he died, you see him flex his extensive political muscle in the right direction this time, so it's a minor if noticeable loss.


Nothing like Anakin which is nearly heart wrenching. :( Even sadder when Leia finds out. Really emotional part.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Yeah, it's all true. I guess they were trying to jumpstart the series. I'd say it worked. It certainly had me hooked to the last word.

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They're trying to prove that "something actually changes" in their stewardship of the SW franchise. That was the idea behind killing Chewbacca to begin with.


In fact, they're so focused on the concept that they've yet to tell even a decent story within the universe. They just follow the basic pattern of "oh no, the Vong are unstoppable and will now proceed to kill a major and/or beloved character within a book or two before we figure out how to counter the latest biotechnological ejaculation!"

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What ever happened to the days when a Jedi could take on 100 enemies and kill them all and come out alive. Well since I haven't even finish Onslaught, could someone tell me how Anakin died?


Don't know about you lot but I'm gonna stick with the Dark Horse comics and Jedi Apprentice.

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Heh, good point Rendar. I personally have enjoyed the NJO. You'd think that after all the griping about the only thing the EU can come up with is another warlord with a superweapon, they'd be happy for a new challenge that is so fierce, it affects the good guys as well. But, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.


True, not all the NJO are great, but they're not as bad as they are made out to be, just because they show that SW characters aren't invulnerable.

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I have always felt that too much "real life" in fiction is the work of people who don't get enough "real life" to begin with. Those of us who do get enough of life's hard knocks don't want to read about fictional ones to the exclusion of an actual plot, which is the problem with the NJO. All "real life", no "story". :D

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DrIfTeR, it was kyp durron who piloted the sun crusher, if thats who you mean. The vnext book in the NJO series should see a team of jedi maybe, going undercover into coruscant, and getting the death star plans ( i am thinking about the darksaber plot)and asking the imperial remnant for help in building a new DS. Or they go into the Maw to get the sun crusher back. Goodbye vong fleet............. ;)

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