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Don't you hate telemarketers? :mad:


I love talking to them though. I just was called as a matter of fact.


"Would you like to take a survey?"

"Sure, just let me get rid of someone on the other line..."


*hold mute for a sec, obviousl still connected to the marketer*

"Hi, Steve? There's this real dumbass telemarketer on the other line..."

*obviously pissed*"THANK YOU"



[ October 04, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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Guest Boba Rhett

Telemarketer: Hi. I'm calling on behalf of the CarpeClean Corporation. Would you be interest in...


Me: Thank God you called! Listen, I need to know how to get alot of blood out of carpet. I'm talking like a gallon. Any ideas? And I'm kinda in a hurry. The cops are going to be here any minute!


Telemarketer: *Click*



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