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Web Anonymizers, i need one that works around Novell.


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since i use the internet at school, and we have some nasty ass sys admins, and they block webpages such as hotmail and others, like porn sites. nobody looks at porn but the majority of students need to use hotmail, and when this webpage was found, it was like a pot of gold. but one nasty admin has found a way of blocking this page when its supposed to be unblockable, and now we can't look at any thing. :(:mad::mad::( so does anyone know anymore of these pages? please help me, you guys and girls are my only help.




[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: Access_fluX ]

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I always telnet into a shell account and use lynx. Worked wonders, until they blocked telnet. I'm using links(slight improvement over lynx) right now. No pictures though. You might consider <a href="http://www.offbyone.com">offByOne</a> which is a browser small enough to fit on a floppy disc. Good if they rely on some crap like IE to filter stuff out. I don't know any of those proxies of the top of my head. They all seem to have disappeared as of recently. :(


If your into linux, you could download a CD only distribution, they have them, with GUI! The comp needs to be able to boot from a CD though, or a floppy.


Or you could just use http://www.the-cloak.com


[ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: matt-windu ]

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