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New Detonator drivers


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Detonator XP software provides a 30-to-50% increase in performance for all NVIDIA GPUs in both DirectX and OpenGL Application Programming Interfaces (API). In addition, Detonator XP software exposes new hardware acceleration for Windows XP, enabling new features such as 3D textures and shadow buffers.


Get them from NVIDIA or from Guru3D (because nvidia's servers are getting hammered).


My 3DMark2001 went from a 5200 to 6200. 30%? No, but still a nice increase.

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Guest Krayt Tion

It has been an embarassingly long time since I've updated my drivers for my Geforce 2 GTS. The latest drivers certainly make it a damn good time to finally do it. They really managed to squeeze some more out of our cards for us, although I heard this latest driver set was originally intended for some newer cards of theirs instead. :)

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bah Netscape nav is slow, cant seem to acess the site with IE anymore... anyway u must got a Geforce III or somthin to get that high a score in 3dmark 2001, no card other then that can attain those scores heh, and I warn anyone that dont have a GF3 not to getem, I experienced a drop from 2900, to around 2400 in 3dmark2001, even worse in 3dmark 2000, from around 6400 to clear down to around 5600, I got geforce II gts and i got better framerates with det3 6.50, i did notice a speed increase in Open GL but i havn't benchmarked q3 in it... also AA does not work at all with this new so called Detantor 4... heh it should be called deathanator, with what speed decreces it gave me, when it promised a 50% increase by Nvidias site hah like i really believed that......

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uh ure supposed to unistallem then switch ure adapter to standard vga then install the new drivers, overwritin em leaves the old drivers reg entries, and sometimes nvidas installer dosn't overwrite some of the old DLL's, heh course the best way to get full speed ougta ure new drivers would be to do a clean format, heh.

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