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Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there...

Guest Vagabond

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Interesting information Wilhuf, thank you. Also, on the topic of terrorist and the in particual the IRA, it wasnt so much a question on my behalf but rather a general opening for other peoples opinions. I already have the facts and my opinion, no one who bombs builds or crashes planes etc, is a reasonable human being and has no wish for peace or fairness, just their way at all costs.


ed,I'm glad you brough the topic of splinted groups of the IRA. The problem with a terrorist group such as them is that no one "owns" (crude, but I'm tied) them. They do, as you say, forget what they are fighting for. Kurgan talked about eye for an eye, and this is the result, when they take casualties they want revenge. They kill and then people want revenge against them. Eventually this goes on until they no longer hold the ideal's they once did, over the years they get younger "members" who dont have the principles (if you could call them that) the original members did.


It no longer becomes about what they want, forget the fact its the wrong way to go about things in the first place (they do), it just turns into a never ending cycle of bloodshed. Thats why even if they get their demands it continues with new "reasons" why they cant stop. Quite sad really, to think someone could inflict so much pain on others for pointless reasons.

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Me and Kurg were having a debate a while back about religion and what not and th IRA came up.


My uncle was a Soldier in NI during the eighties and he was nearly killed if it wasn't for the IRA messing the trap up.


He said that during the 80's the British could have wiped the IRA out because they were careless about giving their location away. All we would have to do is shut the border and send patrols in as there were only about 300 of them.


Unfortunately they got wise and we can't do it now.


About the splinter groups. Don't believe all of what the media tell you. The IRA do not tolerate opposition and if they (PIRA RIRA) were oppostion they would have been hunted down a long time ago, by appearing to "splinter" they can make it look like the British government are trying to appease them AND still get away without decommisioning.


That is the rought jist of it, its a little more complicated than that.




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Originally posted by Syndrix:

<STRONG>It no longer becomes about what they want, forget the fact its the wrong way to go about things in the first place (they do), it just turns into a never ending cycle of bloodshed. Thats why even if they get their demands it continues with new "reasons" why they cant stop. Quite sad really, to think someone could inflict so much pain on others for pointless reasons.</STRONG>


This is why we need to be extremely vigilant in the months ahead, and seek other avenues to shut down the terrorist machinery (as Blair calls it). Otherwise, we could find ourselves in a situation of action and reaction, matching violence with violence, with no end in sight.


We have declared war against terrorism - but the end result of that declaration could be that separate terrorist groups may now start to unite in a common cause against us. In other words, they could become more sophisticated and organised than before. We need to be prepared for that - and prepare ourselves for a conflict that will last not weeks or months, but years.

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Rumor control:




Probably most of you know the details by now, but I just thought I'd post this site link for the benefit of anyone coming late to the discussion. A few of the rumors I'd heard as well were corrected there.


Btw, I had an animated gif of a flying "don't tread on me" flag on a mast, but unfortunately it has a white background.

; P



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Guest Krayt Tion

Well, I'm happy to report I was party to none of those rumours listed.


The first few days I sat around ABC news with Peter Jennings like it was a campfire in the dead cold of night. I did nothing but watch 12 straight hours of TV the first two days of coverage. I was very happy with ABC's coverage with Peter. They were constantly giving warnings about incoming information and actively cross-checked all of their reports with various sources and people, all while letting you in on that process. Unlike some (but not all) other networks that were either a) content to flash every damn rumour across the screen and deal with the mess later b) focusing less on the developing situation and too much on personal accounts, attempting to sensationalize an attack that was already the worst our country had ever seen on its own soil.

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Yeah, I got my news from the internet, FoxNews and CNN.


On Fox at least, reports would pop up, then within seconds they would pop up again being dismissed.


The flurry of news coming when you're fatigued can cause you to goof things up I guess in a situation like that.



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