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not red alerts fault.


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Red Alert 2 was pulled because the box art shows the World Trade Center burning; even online stores like amazon.com have taken down the picture that normally accompanies the product description, although they still offer the game for sale. EA is simply changing the cover and shipping the game to retailers again. Some retailers may still refuse to sell the game because of its content, though, but I'd expect it to be readily available at most stores within the next few weeks.


The only other notable gaming-related news I've heard is the possibility of delay or cancellation of the upcoming Red Alert 2 expansion pack and Metal Gear Solid 2 due to their content.

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Yeah, I can see if the company itself decided to have the game temporarily pulled, because they'd be losing sales because of Wal-Mart's actions.


Red Alert 2 was pulled because the box art shows the World Trade Center burning


Well that's totally different, thanks for bringing that up!


I'm assuming <a href="http://img.mobygames.com/images/covers/large/972940708-00.jpg">this</a> is what we're talking about here? Doesn't look so bad to me, but I guess it's their choice.




[ September 16, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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Originally posted by Argath:

<STRONG>The only other notable gaming-related news I've heard is the possibility of delay or cancellation of the upcoming Red Alert 2 expansion pack and Metal Gear Solid 2 due to their content.</STRONG>



Good god noooooo! I hate these damn people that think game violence or situations cause attacks, and violent minds. Well maybe the delay of mgs2 is outta respect, but god god, canceling it!? All it has is new york in it. So what everyone is saying, pictures of newyork and newyork related things should be banned? Thats very stupid, its retarded. Just cause something happened like this, doesnt mean people CANT talk about it or that anything CANT be related to newyork anymore.

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Looks like they removed the pic I had posted and put in a blurry, low res one.


I can't tell any real difference except it's hard to tell what buildings those are in the backgrounds (it wasn't perfectly possible to do so before.. looked like the NY skyline vaguely though)


All I can say is that they better not mess with movies like King Kong or I'm gonna be pissed...




[ September 20, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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