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Pummels. Excellent against Assault Mechs


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Greetings everyone.


I recently bought GB and I noticed something strange. I have searched the forums for this and have not found any other reference.


As I was playing against the comp, I was levelling his base big time.

Now I happened to play with the Naboo and I had amassed an army of Naboo Assault Mechs (I know, useless. But I liked it) with which I was killing big time.


Then I uncovered around 4 Advanced Pummels. No big deal I thought, they cannot hurt me, so I just continued to raze buildings and eliminating infantry. :atat:



Now picture my surprise as the Pummels attacked my Assault Mechs. I though they could not harm them. The closed within range and started pummeling the mechs. I was laughing, thinking that this should not work. :D


Now the bad part; the wiped out my mechs. :eek:


Since pummels are melee units, they attacked under my minimum range of fire. Before I understood what was happening, those four pummels had wiped out 4 of my Assault Mechs.


With the other four I had, I managed to outmaneuver them and kill two of the pummels before they destroyed my last four Assault Mechs.


Ever seen a pummel hit a mech; they do MASSIVE damage. Are Assault Mechs categorized as buildings?




In short;




Pummels kill assault mechs easily if they can get under the minimum range. One on one, a pummel will probably kill an assault mech.


It is a nice strategy.





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unfortunately that will happen if you only send in one type of unit to destroy a base. Everything has a counter, and invading army should be varied to overcome those problems.


Personally i alwasy send mech destroyers in with assault mechs to get rid of enemy mechs and artillery, as well asmany other units!

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I Know, I also sent some supporting units. Unfortunately, not enough it seems. But hey, I was just messing around.


But it just struck me as strange that Pummels would be effective against Assualt Mechs.


This makes Pummels much more effective, IMHO.



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Guest Supreme Warlord

Plummels can cut up anything that is stationary or SLOW like the assault mech. But i agree with duder, mix other units with your attack army. It help you. Like for instance put in some jedi to combat troops and mechs and mix in aa troops to combat air planes. You dont have to have large quality of each kind of troops, vechiles, and fighters. You have to experiment with it. That how I learn. Good luck in killing other bases. ;)

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