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Star Wars A New Hope The FPS!


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Sorry about the subject line but I needed to get your attention.A posted a thread about this before but I never really got a good response. I was wondering if anyone besides me would like to see a FPS of luke following the Trilogy storyline?Like using the unreal 2 engine. But I guess thats all up to George.thtere are also a crap load of good books involving the original characters.That they couldn't make into movies because of the actors ages but they would also make great games.

Well thats my peice.


Thanks for listening

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Guest X-Vector

Well, since Lucas appears to have 'moved beyond' the original trilogy (Lucasfilm doesn't exactly seem to be in a hurry to release the movies on DVD - which I'm extremely unhappy with), so I don't really see it happening.

The next SW FPS game after JKO will probably be based on the new trilogy, as the TPM game was.

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X-Vector is probably right.


Besides, Dark Forces and Jedi Knight were pretty much the tie-in FPS games for the classic trilogy. I mean, Kyle starts off by stealing the plans to the Death Star, rescuing Crix Madine, etc., and is now a solid part of the Star Wars timeline.


I have to say I'm not really a fan of games that are strictly movie tie-ins, though. You pretty much know the plot, you know the characters, and it's all very familiar. The creation of Kyle Katarn was a smart move by LEC, IMO, because it gave you Star Wars from another character's point of view, with totally new adventures in new locations.


I think that trend should continue. Set a game in the same time period as the new movies, by all means, but give us new characters, new stories and new locations to go with it. Then it serves to enhance and expand your experience of the movies, rather than simply recycling them in a game format. ;)

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This is in response about Lucas not being in a hurry to release the DVDs:


Lucas has recently stated that they're trying to get as much supplementary material, which there wasn't much of for the original films, like behind the scenes stuff, deleted scenes and such. But they are working (right now in fact) on making the best damned DVD collection ever, which should be out around sometime in 2006.

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Personally I think there's already a lot of supplemental material they could put in if they wanted to. How many interviews with the original cast and George himself exist? Tons! Ever see "Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga"?


Or how about "Star Wars Behind the Magic" CD-ROM? Or the official soundtracks? The original trailers can even be found online.


Now granted, sorting it all out, picking the best stuff, and putting it all in there in some kind of order will take time, and George and Co should make some good audio commentaries, but unless he has plans to say... finish special effects stuff on deleted scenes or add in a NEW special-special edition, it shouldn't take that long, really...


Maybe that IS what he has in mind (like with TPM) and so that is his reasoning.


That reminds me, I hope that we can also have the option to view the "original" versions of each movie on the DVD's and not just the special edition and hypothetical super enhanced versions.


In the games I do like the idea of new characters, but having classic characters is also good I think. I like both, as long as the games are fun and varied.



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Well, new stuff has been shot for the original films to help them tie-in better with the new ones (for the 2006 theatrical re-releases), and special effects are of course being done for any deleted scenes. From Star Wars to Jedi was mostly about Jedi though, there probably isn't much stuff for ANH, maybe more for ESB, but they probably have the most supplemental for ROJ. Besides, when George wants to make a jam-packed DVD, it would probably have like 50 hours of extras! (he considered the TPM DVD "bare-bones").

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