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Tweaks that should be implemented into SWGB

Guest Lord Tirion

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Guest Lord Tirion

First off, I play DM, so I have been involved in some gigantic battles with 100 units or more going at it..(lag city :p) I have noticed some weaknesss in the game that should be fixed to help the gamers enjoy the game more. Now I am not talking about superficial tweaks like "Dont make the fighters hover" or stuff like that. Instead, I am talking about important tweaks that others and myself think would benefit the game.


First off.. Jedi/Sith. Jedi and Sith are the icons of Star Wars and should be treated as such right? So why make them so expensive and yet so weak when it comes to bounty hunters? Yes, I understand that RTS games need balance, but there are more than one way to balance units. So instead of charging a fortune for a unit that gets killed in 2 shots by a bounty hunter, why not improve their hps and attack? To balance this, why not make it so that you can only make 2 to 4 Jedi per game? Jedi and Sith are the mysterious presence in Star Wars, so why not keep it that way? Nothing makes that novelty wear off more than seeing 10 Jedi and 13 Sith running around a board only to be plowed over by a Bounty Hunter in the woods who was just carving "I love you" in a tree and say.."Oooo a Jedi!" Bam Bam... "Ooo a dead Jedi!" This way, when you actually do see a Jedi Master or Sith Master on the board, you know you are in for trouble. As of now, its ... 3 to 4 shots and hello Jedi ghost. I think the devs should make a system that only allows 2 to 4 be made per game by player, make the Jedi much stronger in attack and more hitpoints to ensure their power in the star wars universe instead of just "another piece" in a star wars chess game.


Another concern is mounted units. Quite simply, their hitpoints need to be bumped up majorly. They get plowed through so fast you can start your own pavement company with scales of dewbacks and stormtrooper armor if you send mounted units in against mechs or troopers in a DM game. You can make literally 20 or 30 of them and within 2 minutes, they are all dead while probably only taking out 2 units at most.


Canon deployment problem I noticed: If you have 5 canons per say, and you select a fortess to attack, ever notice that 4 times out of 5, 1 or 2 of those canons get stuck and never open up to attack? AI needs to be tweaked on that.


Thats all for now =)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I most certainly agree with Lord Tirion on the issue of the Jedi's they need to be much more powerful and they are the symbol of the Star Wars Universe. As for the mounted just ignore them they are not worthy to be addressed. and for the Cannon you do need to fix that. I dont use it much but it is a good weapon.

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In RA2: YR they did a similar thing to what you are talking about for the jedi. The "hero" units would only be made once (twice if you have a cloning vat), but in the hands of a good player, they can take out entire bases with no support at all. Jedi should be similar i think, although not quite so effective, that would be really unbalanced.


I think that they should have hero units in the Jedi category. For say...the Naboo, they could have Obi-Wan and QuiGon, who would be more powerfull, but you could only have 2 of them (one of each) at a time. For the Rebels you could only have Luke and Old Obi-Wan, and the TF could have Maul and Sidious.

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I agree with the Jedi/Sith problem. In the demo you thought very highly of the Jedi/Sith.... Now, aside from Holocrons and a few other instances, I don't create Jedis. It's too expensive and bounty hunters are far too good as a counter. When playing against the computer, forget it, they have so many bounty hunters.


But I doubt that they'll make a major tweak like that.


I would also like to see a fix for the workers. You should be able to set a worker to repair and any unit w/i a certain range will be repaired by it (similar to a medic, I suppose).


Another nice feature (but more debateable) is your airbase acting as an air repair base too. You should be able to send your air units back to the airbase (or something) to be repaired. Take your air units and click on the airbase - they fly back and hover next to it while being repaired.

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I have noticed that if you send troops to a spot in 2 or more large groups, if there's a bend or a turn and the 2 or more groups meet there at the same time, some of them stop completely and just stand there. That causes you to have to regroup the ones that stopped and send them on their way which takes up precious time during a battle.

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

As for the mounted just ignore them they are not worthy to be addressed. and for the Cannon you do need to fix that. I dont use it much but it is a good weapon.


Wrong. Mounteds are supposed to be good against mechs/droidekas. What good are mounted if they cant get close enough to mechs and droidekas to be any good. I've lost plenty of mounted even when I have a good compliment of troopers and my own mechs to go with them.

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Mounteds are for countering Heavy Weapons. Not droidekas and Mechs. And infact, they are very good at countering heavy weapons. However, I do think they should have more pierce armor....


Two. Jedi are fine as they are -if the upgrades didn't cost so damn much. 100 food and 350 nova is a perfectly reasonable price for a fully operational Jedi Master. However, the amount of Nova spent getting that ( Jedi Mind Trick, 750, Meditation, Force Strong, and Concentration..) is sheerly ridiculous. That's spending over 2000 nova, which could be used to buy 5 heavy assault mechs. Which I daresay, are far more effective then a single fully upgraded Jedi Master. The facts are pure and simple. The cost/Power ratio is ridiculous. Lower the price of Jedi upgrades. The main powers, Mind Trick, Meditation, and Concentration should cost no more then a total of 1000 nova. Make them 400 or so a piece. Mind trick and Meditation are simply TOO EXPENSIVE.


That, or allow Jedi Knights to have Jedi Mind Trick, as stated in the manual :p


And no, I disagree with limiting the amount of Jedi Knights made. There's no point in making them superpowerful yet few. It would alter gameplay so drastically it would be ridiculous. All I'm saying is that Jedi must be COST EFFECTIVE to use. Currently, they are not. They even get raped by the units they are supposed to counter, specifically Mechs and troops, on a cost-for cost basis. Sheerly ridiculous.

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As for the mounted units, of course they're not much use in a deathmatch game! They're meant to be an early game unit, the only real effective unit that can take on buildings before tech 3. But in deathmatch that isn't something you have to worry about.


In a random map game an early rush of mounted troops can be deadly if you're not ready for it. And of course they provide a good defense against the tower rush.


That's the only time I use them, but as said above they're good at taking out heavy weapons as well.


So they don't sound useless to me;)


Random map is the basic game, if a couple of units don't work as well in one of the other game types, well that's just the way it goes. They're just not meant for DM play, no big deal.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I have to totally disagree with you. A unit shouldn't be only usefull in a specific setting. Each unit should be able to holds its own in DM or RM. After all, aren't RTS games suppose to be balanced? That doesnt sound balanced to me. Mounted Units are suppose to be the "calvary" of AoK. Calvary in that game (especially the Franks) had good hitpoints and could hold their own in a game. Bottom line is, mounted units get plowed over too fast while a scout has more durability... that doesnt make much sense.

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Jedi are very powerful already if used properly. With powers like stealth and converting units using a group of Jedi requires a lot of micromanagment. Yes they die really easy to Bounty Hunters but they're supposed to. Bounty Hunters die easily to troopers or strike mechs, which are much cheaper units, that's the way the game is designed. However, I do think that some of the Jedi upgrades are too expensive.

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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

I have to totally disagree with you. A unit shouldn't be only usefull in a specific setting. Each unit should be able to holds its own in DM or RM. After all, aren't RTS games suppose to be balanced? That doesnt sound balanced to me. Mounted Units are suppose to be the "calvary" of AoK. Calvary in that game (especially the Franks) had good hitpoints and could hold their own in a game. Bottom line is, mounted units get plowed over too fast while a scout has more durability... that doesnt make much sense.



You ever been to war? What good are Navy Seals in Afghanastan? What good is a tank vs a Nuclear Warhead?


The FACT is, some battles have NO USE for some 'weapons', or in this case UNITS. That's a fact, to me, that's what puts the STRATAGY in RTS.

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Guest Lord Tirion

bigphesta, what you just said made no sense at all. This is a RTS Game where every unit has a counter balance. If you cant make that one unit in a game because they die to easily from many types of units other than the units made to counter them, than the game is unbalanced.

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I thought Mechs were equal to the cavalry in AOK, because they are the mainstay unit, the backbone of most forces.


I'm not against mounted troopers being useful in DM, but it just seems they were created for a purpose that just doesn't exist in that game type. Though I will admit it kinda sucks for the Naboo that their UU is cavalry if you're a DM player.....


I wouldn't call it unbalanced though as long as every civs mounted unit are equally useless in DM;)


Besides, if you improved the mounted unit you would have to move it to tech 3 or vastly increase it's price or it would unbalance a RM game. Then you would have to create a unit to replace it, because you still need a unit to take out buildings in tech 2. If you didn't it would make tower rushing far too easy.

You would just find yourself with the same problem except with a different unit.

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Guest Lord Tirion

I am talking about it from the DM perspective. All units fully teched should be able to hold their own in RM as well as DM. But it seems that mounted units are the only ones that can't. Even repeater troops who have little hps, inflict serious damage and are most dangerous when housed in fortresses and towers.

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